A doll’s house act ii questions Macaroon Partner
Summarize the major events of Act II. 1 Summarize the major events of Act II.
What seems to be foreshadowed in Nora’s conversation with the nurse? 2 What do we learn about the nurse and Nora’s relationship at the beginning of the Act? What seems to be foreshadowed in Nora’s conversation with the nurse?
3 Why does Torvald make such a decisive show of mailing the letter firing Krogstad against Nora’s pleas? What does this say about their relationship and societal roles?
4 Discuss the significance of light and dark during the conversation between Nora and Dr. Rank. What do they represent? (Reread the stage directions in the middle of p. 47 and Nora’s comment at the top of p. 51)
5 What does Nora’s confession to Dr Rank in regards to her childhood secret wish to “slip down to the servants’ room” reveal about her character, and her relationship with first her father and now her husband?
6 Dr. Rank is suffering from a terminal illness as a result of his father’s actions, not his own. And at many points, Torvald references Nora’s father in a negative light. In what ways is this a play about inheritance, and in particular children suffering for their parents’ sins?
7 At the end of Act II, Nora says, “it is splendid to be waiting for a wonderful thing to happen.” What is the wonderful thing that Nora is waiting for? How can it be both wonderful and terrible?
8 How can you explain Nora’s violent dancing at the end of the Act? What is she doing here?