4th Grade News August 17, 2018 Skills for the week Reading: Important Dates 1st Wilson Bank Day Monday, August 22 Box Top Collection Day Wednesday, August 24 Campus Parent Meeting Monday, August 27 @ 5:30 (at SCHS) Music Recorders Due Wednesday, August 29 Back to School Skate Night Thursday, August 30 Mr. Earl Kickoff Friday, August 31 Skills for the week Reading: Summarizing & Theme Language: Sentences & Fragments Math: Place Value w/ Rounding Science: Science & Engineering Practices Social Studies: Colonization Related Arts Mon (20) A. Computer Tues (21) B. Art Wed (22) C. P.E Thurs (23) D. Library Fri (24) E. Music Mon (27) F. Guidance 0748 **Wear tennis shoes for PE** *Bring books for Library* Thank you Thank you for attending Open House! We are looking forward to this school year, partnering with your child, and your family to make it GREAT! Mrs. Todd Mrs. Trainer Mrs. Strickland Mrs. Martin Mrs. Dunn Mrs. Fletcher Ms. Sneed Fourth Grade Mrs. Peek