St. John’s Catholic Primary School Year 3 St. John’s Catholic Primary School
First Holy Communion Mrs Feeney
YEAR 3 Mrs Hepburn and Mrs Taylor
TOWARDS INDEPENDENCE Homework Diaries/Spellings Class monitors/Table monitors Water bottles and playtime snacks Cloakroom/bags P.E. Kits –Wednesday and Friday Pencil cases Friendships Pokemon Cards?
Literacy Reading books and reading in school Independent reading for pleasure and stamina Word reading and comprehension Spellings and meanings Speaking and listening Confidence and fluency
Handwriting In Year 3 your child will continue to develop their cursive handwriting style. Linked to spellings They will write regularly in their Literacy books and use cursive handwriting in all their written work.
WRITING Developing Skills Vocabulary Grammar and punctuation Composition Spelling and handwriting Proof reading, editing and rewriting
Numeracy New Curriculum changes mainly: Up to 12x table Begin to use related division facts Time-both analogue and 24 hour clock Continued emphasis on Mental mathematics and problem solving Investigation and reasoning
Curriculum Overview Religious Education (Liturgies) Science Geography History Computing Art Design & Technology Music (recorders) M.F.L (French)
Homework Homework Diaries Monday – Reading/Spellings including worksheet Spelling test Tuesday – Reading/Grammar & Punctuation Wednesday – Times Tables/Mental Maths Thursday – Maths worksheet/Abacus Friday – Free choice Parents to sign weekly
Homework-Helping your child Fun activities to help your child with spelling(these are the same strategies we use in school in their Spelling Journals) List of key words children are expected to know by end of Year 3 –these are our W.O.W. -word of the week Maths Key Instant Recall Facts to help develop children’s fluency in mathematics- children to practise their KIRFs at least 3 times a week. Maths and English Curriculum in LKS2
Look, say, cover, write, check Look: first look at the whole word carefully and if there is one part of the word that is difficult, look at that part in more detail. Say: say the word as you look at it, using different ways of pronouncing it if that will make it more memorable. Cover: cover the word. Write: write the word from memory, saying the word as you do so. Check: Have you got it right? If yes, try writing it again and again! If not, start again – look, say, cover, write, check.
Class Talks Timetable on website Talks can be about anything that the children are interested in. They should last roughly five minutes. Please help with any research but try not to come up with a ‘script’. No memory sticks or CDs E-mail:c.hepburn@poulton-st-
Learning Logs Continuing on from Year 2 About one per term Our first theme will be ‘Lancashire’. Due in the first week back after half-term.