Verbs in Action or Being
Verbs show action or state of being.
Verbs show action or state of being. action (something someone or something can do) jump walk offer play see roar eat collide purr roll rain descend
Verbs show state of being. To be am is are was were be been and sometimes being
Verbs show action. Name the verb in the sentence. Ms. Finney verb Ms. Finney offered tutoring sessions after school. What did Ms. Finney do? offered
Verbs show action. Name the verb in the sentence. John verb John walks to the park every day before lunch. John … walks
Verbs show action. Name the verb in the sentence. Susan Name the verb in the sentence. a n d David verb Susan and David play softball every summer. What do Susan and David do? play
Verbs show action. Name the verbs in the sentence. Colleen a n d verb Colleen ate lunch and talked with her friends for the last hour. verb What did Colleen do? ate talked
State of Being Whenever you see am, is , are, was, were, be, or been in a sentence, you know it is a verb.
State of Being Whenever you see am, is , are, was, were, be, or been in a sentence, you know it is a verb. Name the verb in the sentence. John verb John is the team’s captain. John … is
State of Being Whenever you see am, is , are, was, were, be, or been in a sentence, you know it is a verb. Name the verb in the sentence. John verb John was about to eat his lunch. John … was
Verbs and Simple Predicate Like two (2) can be called a rational, integer, whole, or natural number, verbs also have another name – simple predicate.
Verbs and Simple Predicates Name the verbs in the sentence. two Verb (simple predicate) Like two (2) can be called a rational, integer, whole, or natural number, verbs also have another name – simple predicate. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Like verbs Verb (simple predicate) two …? can be called verbs …? have
Diagramming Sentences … so the verb and the simple predicate are the same. Verb Simple predicate The verb (simple predicate) belongs right next to the vertical line that crosses the horizontal line. Verbs are always written on straight lines.