Matthew 21:9 (Amplified Bible) 9 And the crowds that went ahead of Him and those that followed Him kept shouting, Hosanna (O be propitious, graciously inclined) to the Son of David, [the Messiah]! Blessed (praised, glorified) is He Who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna (O be favorably disposed) in the highest [heaven]!
1. A REACHING HEART Exodus 6:6 The Lord told Moses He would rescue Israel with an "outstretched arm".
1. A REACHING HEART 2. A TURNED HEART The word "incline" also is used to describe a "turning aside" Balaam’s donkey that turned aside when it saw the Angel with the drawn sword (Numbers 22:23).
1. A REACHING HEART 2. A TURNED HEART 3. A DIRECTED HEART The word "incline" is sometimes used to speak of "giving attention to", to "turn one’s attention to."
1. A REACHING HEART 2. A TURNED HEART 3. A DIRECTED HEART 1 Samuel 14:7 So his armor bearer said to him, “Do all that is in your heart. Go then; here I am with you, according to your heart.”
1. A REACHING HEART 2. A TURNED HEART 3. A DIRECTED HEART 4. A SATURATED HEART Psalm 119:36 Incline my heart to your testimonies, And not to covetousness.
Conclusion– This little verse invites us to examine our hearts. Do we have a heart inclined toward God’s Word? Do we pray as the Psalmist did that God would move in answer to our prayers, and influence our heart in such a way that it would be inclined toward what God said and not the enticing words of other influences?
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” HAVE A GREAT WEEK