Electronic Report Reconciliation Using the Excel Form – Part I Add the salaries of all contributory employees and enter it in the cell labeled (A) on the worksheet.. Add the salaries of all employees and enter it in the cell labeled (B) on the worksheet. The formula should calculate the amounts for each, and post the result at (1) & (2). The formula will also calculate the total due at (3) % 5%
Electronic Report Reconciliation Using the Excel Form – Part II Enter the employee contributions and employer matching submitted on each remittance to APERS during the applicable reporting month by payroll processing date. The amounts for the total column for each remittance will calculate automatically, as will the total remittances for the Employee, Employer and Total Remittance columns.
Electronic Report Reconciliation Using the Excel Form – Part III The worksheet will automatically pull the amounts from items 1, 2, 3 (From Part 1) and 4, 5, 6 (From Part 2) and enter it in the appropriate portion of the reconciliation. The difference will also calculate automatically.
Electronic Report Reconciliation Using the Excel Form - Final IF the difference is zero The Reporting Official is ready to sign and date the APERS Reconciliation Report and attach it to the Earnings and Service Report.
Electronic Report Reconciliation Using the Excel Form - Final IF the difference is NOT zero The Reporting Official must determine where/why the difference occurred and write a brief explanation (i.e., affected employee name/SSN/amount) in the space provided before signing and dating the report and submitting it to APERS.