Management Information System (MIS) By : Satrio Yudho Jakarta 2008 Sesi 1 dari 7
Satrio Yudho ( Tujuan Memahami Information System and Information Technology. Memahami Dimensi dari Management Information System dari beragam aspek. 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (
Satrio Yudho ( Point of View “..information systems can make your business more competitive, efficient, and profitable.” Laudon, 2006 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (
Satrio Yudho ( Information Systems Why Information System Matter ? How Much Does IT Matter ? Why IT Now ? What Is Information System ? 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (
Why Information System Matter ? definisi : “An information system can be defined technically as a set of interrelated components that collect (or retrieve), process, store, and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization” (Laudon 2006) 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (
Why Information Systems Matter ? Fakta : An entirely new Internet business culture is emerging with profound implications for the conduct of business. 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (
Why Information Systems Matter ? The emerging Internet business culture is a set of expectations that we all share. Information technology (abbreviated IT) refers to all of the computer-based information systems used by organizations and their underlying technologies. 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (
Why Information Systems Matter ? 4 alasan yang mendasari IT bagi organisasi : CAPITAL MANAGEMENT FOUNDATION OF DOING BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITY AND ADVANTAGE 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (
Why Information Systems Matter ? 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (
Perspectives on information systems Information system akan sangat baik jika dipandang dari dua sisi yaitu Teknologi dan Bisnis. Teknologi ( Data, Internet, Hardware, Software Dsb) Bisnis ( Profit, Customer loyalty dsb) 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (
Perspectives on information systems Bisnis Persfektif: “The decision to build or maintain an information system assumes that the returns on this investment will be superior to other investments in buildings, machines, or other assets.” 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (
Perspectives on information systems From a business perspective, an information system is an important instrument for creating value for the firm. Information systems enable the firm to increase its revenue or decrease its costs by providing information that helps managers make better decisions or that improves the execution of business processes. 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (
Perspectives on information systems 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (
Perspectives on information systems Dimensi dari Information Systems 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (
Perspectives on information systems ORGANIZATIONS 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (
Perspectives on information systems MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (
Satrio Yudho ( Lesson Learn LEARNING TO USE INFORMATION SYSTEMS: NEW OPPORTUNITIES WITH TECHNOLOGY The Challenge of Information Systems: Key Management Issues Bagaimana perusahaan bisa mendapatkan nilai dari sistem informasi ?( tantangan dalam investasi ) Bagaimana perusahaan dapat memahami kebutuhan dari ekonomi global ? Seperti apakah infrastruktur teknologi informasi yang dapat mendukung perusahaan, dengan semaik cepatnya perubahan teknologi ? 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (
Satrio Yudho ( Discussion Time Any Question ? 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (
Satrio Yudho ( Thank You 2/23/2019 Satrio Yudho (