A guide to Paper 1: EDEXCEL certificate English language Saturday, 23 February 2019
Before you start This is a 2 hour 15 minute paper and you will need every minute of it! Watch the clock! Try to answer every question –The last question is worth 1/3 of the total marks. In the exam, the answers are written on the paper – the available space suggests the imagined length of response. You can pick up marks for “quality of written communication” – take time to proof read. The Paper is in 3 parts and I will address it in that manner in the following slides.
Make a note of the start time and put the time you aim to complete each section at the top of the paper as you begin. SECTION A Based on an unseen non-fiction text. This passage is around 50-60 lines long. You are advised to spend 45 minutes on this section. There are three questions: Questions 1&2 check your understanding of the passage. Question 3 should be an analysis of the way in which the passage is written – “how does the writer…” Q 1&2 are worth 4 marks each Q3 is worth 12 marks. Thus divide your time carefully here. Allow 5 minutes reading time and then ensure that you do not spend more than 15 minutes on Q 1&2. Allow the longer time for Q3.
Section A, Question 3 This is the first mini essay There will be bullet points – use them and ensure each one is given a paragraph to itself. Use PEE/PEARL throughout – every point needs evidence and explanation – go to word level! Always try to use evidence drawn from the whole passage.
Section A tips READING: Read Q1 before you read the passage, then make your first reading with the question in your mind. Allow longer for Q3 – be sure to quote and analyse… Q2 needs reference to the text, but no explanation Annotate the passage as you read it. There is 1 mark for each point in Q 1, up to 4 marks – aim to make 5 points and do not try to explain/give evidence – short, clear sentences
SECTION B Based on ANTHOLOGY A – one passage. 2 questions 1 is an analysis of the writing of the passage 1 is a TRANSACTIONAL piece based on a theme of the passage – you should spend time thinking about these themes. Both are worth 10 marks. 45 minutes for this section – 20 mins for Q4 and 25 for Q5 seems about right.
Try to use the whole passage Section B Q4 Q 4 must focus on writer's techniques and should “refer closely” to the text – quote and explain at word level. You should recognise the passage so don’t spend too long reading it. 20 mins includes reading time Answer only the question which is actually asked! Underline the key words in the question Try to use the whole passage
The format is vital – ensure you revise the key features of each format and use them. SECTION B Q5 Thou shalt SLAP! Subject Language Audience Purpose (There is a PPt on the VLE and my blog…) Creative writing should be imaginative, but try to use “real” events VARIETY of language and punctuation Accuracy of grammar and spelling Paragraphs!
Section C 1 question – 20 marks 45 minutes advised 1/3 of the total marks for the paper – do not leave too little time. The question requires you to write either to Inform, explain or describe. You MUST respond with the correct triplet. Check the material on the VLE/blog/notes if you have forgotten. About 7/20 marks are available for quality of written expression.
Read the question and ensure that you respond to it closely – do not “just write”. Your PLAN should focus your thoughts. Section C Check the triplet and make it clear in your opening sentence. A 10 minute plan should be enough! Stick to topics that you do have knowledge of –wild invention rarely convinces Aim for a strong opening Structure for beginning, middle and conclusion TRAPPERS
Useful places My blog: http://jwpblog.wordpress.com/ JLS youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq3LxoT- wZYtY5ccPAckZpQ the playlist Edexcel Anthology A… Slow writing: http://www.triptico.co.uk/media/temp/slowWriting.html the best place to practice finding variety in your writing… http://www.edexcel.com/quals/igcse/int-gcse11/eng-langa/Pages/default.aspx the public area of the Edexcel website. NEWSPAPERS! They contain every type of writing you might be called upon to reproduce.