Pirates Tripoli & Barbary States attacked European & American ships – Demanded a bribe or tribute to not attack ships Capture the Philadelphia (U.S. ship); Stephen Decatur set the ship on fire to prevent the pirates from using to attack others June 1805 – Tripoli agrees to not attack our ships, but U.S. has to pay $60,000 ransom for release of American prisoners Barbary Pirates
American Neutrality is Violated 1803 – Britain & France went to war again Both the British & French stop American ships because they are selling goods to the “enemy”
Embargo Act of 1807 It cut off supplies to France & Britain, but it also hurt the U.S. Embargo Act failed because U.S. sailors were out of work & farmers couldn’t sell their goods U.S. couldn’t import sugar, tea, or molasses Napoleon continues to capture U.S. ships; some Americans call for war 1808 – James Madison elected President
War Hawks War Hawks = members of Congress from the South & West who called for war with Britain Reasons War Hawks Wanted War To Seize Canada To stop British seizure of American ships To demonstrate the strength of the U.S. To take Florida from Spain, Britain’s ally To end British aid to Native Americans War Hawks thought war would bring peace & more land to the frontier Those opposed to war don’t want taxes & concerned about British attacking U.S. ports
War of 1812 U.S. declares war on Britain – June, 1812 Britain still at war with France Pres. Jefferson reduced spending on military/defense = U.S. not ready for war Few regular troops = relied on volunteers British blockaded American ports to stop Americans from trading with other countries U.S. navy too small & couldn’t break through http://www.tngenweb.org/bedford/war1812.JPG
Battles Andrew Jackson American General William Hull was unsuccessful at invading Canada American Captain Oliver Hazard Perry was successful at seizing control of Lake Erie & capturing several ships (1813) Andrew Jackson able to win the Battle of Horseshoe Bend (1814) against the Creeks Native Americans lose more land to whites http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d8/Andrew_Jackson.jpeg/180px-Andrew_Jackson.jpeg http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/6423/Ships/1812.jpg
Final Battles 1814- Britain defeats France & send more troops & ships against the U.S. British win battle in Maryland & then march on Washington, D.C. British burn White House & other buildings Battle of Fort McHenry – inspired American Francis Scott Key to write Star Spangled Banner Battle of New Orleans – British attack Jan. 8, 1815 –British take heavy casualties & Andrew Jackson is a hero Could have been avoided U.S. & Britain signed a treaty in Europe 2 weeks before
Results of the War of 1812 Treaty of Ghent (Belgium) Pre-war conditions were restored USA gained respect from rest of the world. The US showed how tough they were. Andrew Jackson became a national hero. http://teachpol.tcnj.edu/amer_pol_hist/fi/00000071.jpg