Dynamically developing general contract construction company, founded in 2003.
ООО “Unix” is: Four construction and assembling departments and one electric-installation department; Directorate of mechanization; Accredited testing laboratory for non-destructive and destructive methods of welding
The company employs: 4120 highly qualified specialists, 750 out of them are engineers and technicians. The company owns: 212 units of construction machinery. Own production facilities of "Unix" are located in the cities of Tyumen and Kirishi in Leningrad Oblast.
The company's turnover has more than doubled over the last 4 years and amounted to more than ten billion roubles in 2016
The major clients of the company "Unix" are such leaders of the Russian oil refining industry as: “Surgutneftegas”, “Rosneft”, “Tatneft”, “Gazprom Neft” and Group of companies “New Stream”.
Novokuibyshevsk Oil Refinery, ZAO “Rosneft” 2013 – 2016: Hydrocracking complex. Sulfur recovery unit, Sour waters and methyldiethanolamine stripping units Catalytic reforming complex Contract value 10 059 608.1 ths. RUB
Antipinsky Oil Refinery Group of Companies “New Stream” 2013 – 2016: Distillate hydro-treating unit Elemental sulphur production unit Delayed coking unit Contract value 14 152 772 857.65 ths. RUB
The company has participated in the construction of the following facilities: For OOO "Kinef" OAO "Surgutneftegas" Kirishi, 2009 – 2014: Combined Residue Deep Conversion Unit, including condensate purification Main pier Deep conversion plant Hydrodewaxing unit for atmospheric gasoil and diesel fuel with visbreaking gasoline Tank storage of desalinated water Elemental sulphur production unit with a regeneration unit for a saturated solution of diethanolamine Tank storage of diesel fuel and aviation kerosene Contract value 5 998 718.2 ths. RUB
Installation of large-tonnage equipment of an integrated hydrocracking unit Oil refinery "TANECO”, PAO “Tatneft” Nizhnekamsk, January – October 2012 Contract value 355 610.7 ths. RUB
The company also built industrial facilities of other industries: Commercial seaport of Ust-Luga. Coal terminal for ОАО “Rosterminalugol” Ust-Luga, 2009
polyethylene terephthalate Production PLANT For ZAO “Alco-Nafta” Kaliningrad 2010 – 2011 Contract value 1 145 119.4 ths. RUB
Installation of production equipment of the Tire plant for Nizhnekamsk plant of all-metal cord tires (AMC), Nizhnekamsk 2009 – 2010 Contract value 206 719.2 ths. RUB
Production terminal handler for deep processing of oil-bearing crops for ZAO "Sodrugestvo-Soya" Svetly, Kaliningrad Oblast 2006 – 2009 Contract value 2 032 732.5 ths. RUB
Complex manufacturing high-octane components of gasoline LK-2B for The following facilities for the total amount of 34 558 764 000 RUB are currently under construction: Complex manufacturing high-octane components of gasoline LK-2B for ОАО “Surgutneftegas”, Kirishi April 2014 – October 2017 Contract value 15 900 613 ths. RUB
1. CDU/VDU for Omsk Oil Refinery, Omsk, June 2017 – December 2018 Contract value 10 000 000 ths. RUB 2. Technical re-equipment and installation of a purification system for regeneration gases from chlorine and construction of general industrial facilities for the Omsk Oil Refinery, OOO “Gazprom Neft”, Omsk, July 2017 – December 2018 Contract value 3 135 893 ths. RUB
3. A complex of construction and installation works within the framework of reconstruction and new construction of Facilities of the 2nd stage for the project of the 2nd stage "Combined refining unit for processing straight-run gasoline fractions UK-1 for OOO “NeftehimService” Anzhero-Sudzhensk, August 2017 – June 2019 Contract value 8 500 000 ths. RUB
The geography of works of the company "Unix" is expanding. The company is bidding for tenders for a total amount of more than 32 billion roubles for OOO “Gazprom Neft” – Omsk Oil Refinery and Moscow Oil Refinery, as well as OOO “SIBUR” (West Siberian Complex for Raw Hydrocarbons Deep Conversion with Related Facilities). OOO “Unix” is able to implement large-scale construction projects in full: from design of a facility to its commissioning.