I Survived, Now I Can Help You! Director of Academic Advising Program Review— I Survived, Now I Can Help You! A Unique Partnership Jason M. Kelly Assistant Dean and Director of Academic Advising
A Unique Partnership Inventory Who are you? Position Program Review coming? What do you want to gain?
What to Expect Stress Weight Gain Hair Loss Wrinkles
Exhibit A Insert picture here
A Unique Partnership Why do it? If done well, it will propel your service, your visibility and your budget. The following is intended to serve as a guide and must be adjusted for each school.
A Unique Partnership Stakeholders Shared understanding What do they want from review? Budget/Time for review? Access to information? Involvement in process? Distribution of final results?
A Unique Partnership Leader Who will lead the review? Director? Time out of office? Sensitive Information? Budget Personnel Information
A Unique Partnership Outline Stakeholder feedback Academic Advising Office staff 5-10 essential questions Staff buy-in Division of labor
A Unique Partnership Suggested Components Executive Summary Review of mission, vision and goals Office strengths and weaknesses Environmental scan 5-10 essential questions Progress since last review
A Unique Partnership Suggested Components Relationships, in and out of office Review of assessment plan Logistics—budget, space, staffing… Recommendations Bibliography Appendices
A Unique Partnership Research Questions How will you answer them? Who? What measures? By when?
A Unique Partnership Gather Information Start right away Meet with key data sources Create data sources where needed Establish early timelines, you will need to go back
A Unique Partnership Consultant NACADA consultants bureau Adds creditability to report Opportunity to examine sensitive issues Academic Advising is an academic department Schedule well in advance and give yourself time Find a time that will work with key campus players
A Unique Partnership Writing Thesis Paper all over again Distribute drafts to staff? Gather more information Rewrite Multiple writers/editors? Suggest a mini-sabbatical with benefits
Exhale, Distribute & Wait A Unique Partnership Exhale, Distribute & Wait Consultant Administration Make final plans for consultant visit Consultant visit Consultant report
A Unique Partnership Action Plan Create action plan based on feedback Self-study Consultant’s report Campus feedback Attach timelines Assign responsibility Share with administration
A Unique Partnership Wrap up Agreement with administration on action plan Create assessment plan Celebrate your successes
A Unique Partnership Contact Information Jason Kelly jkelly@csbsju.edu 320.363.2248 PO Box 2000 2850 Abbey Plaza Collegeville, MN 56321