Cody Childs Cole Dunham Keith Kuntz Chance Moore Ghetto Uprising
Background of Ghetto Uprising German authorities would cram many Jews into ghettos. Many people had died in these ghettos because of disease spreading and starvation. Jewish Armed Resistance Organization lead many people to battle with German authorities.
Jewish Armed Resistance Organization These where the various organizations that where made to fight back against the Nazis Most of them occurred after 1942 Despite not getting much help from local citizens the Jews continued to fight the Germans even though it was usually all in vein. These organizations did very little and usually just got everyone killed but they did exist and they did manage to get a few Jews out of the ghettos.
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Between July 22- September 12, 1942 German authorities deported/ murded 300,000 Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto Police units deported another 265,000 to Treblinka killing center Only a fraction of people who were in the German Concentration camps survived On August 2, 1943, some 1000 Jewish prisoners at Treblinka seized weapons from the camps armory and staged a revolt. Several hundred inmates escaped, but many were recaptured and executed.