Emergency Relief Process
Emergency Relief Process A natural disaster or accident occurs Field personnel inspect and report damage to MnDOT EM MnDOT EM personnel compile and report total to SEOC The Governor declares an emergency MnDOT EM sends a letter of intent to FHWA FHWA sends an acknowledgement letter MnDOT EM coordinates site visits or windshield tour MnDOT EM requests ER and submits Damage Summary Survey FHWA in Minnesota reviews the request FHWA Division administer concurs with the request. This process is the same for emergency and permanent repair Until we have an declared event, we don’t move forward with DDIRs Repairs will be done with or without ER declaration Cost tracking is essential – start early and be meticulous
State Aid Emergency Repair Local agency photographs damage and determines appropriate action Local agency reports location, type of damage and projected cost to MnDOT district HQ MnDOT districts report damages to MnDOT EM/SA Local agency determines optimum method for emergency repairs Repairs are completed Local agency completes a DDIR within 12 weeks. MnDOT approves projects less than $150K Local agency provides documentation of repair costs
State Aid Permanent Repair Local agency photographs damage and determines appropriate action Local agency reports location, type of damage and projected cost to MnDOT district HQ MnDOT districts report damage to MnDOT ER/SA Permanent Repairs must be performed by Standard Competitively Bid Contract Local agency must complete the DDIR before the project is contracted and constructed MnDOT assigns SP#s to DDIR Approved DDIRS are sent to SALT
State Aid Permanent Repair NEPA approval must be obtained Project does not need to be in STIP Project does need to be in PPMS All necessary permits are required SALT requests federal authorization in FMIS Project is let through normal DCP process Permanent repairs are completed, payment is made by normal DCP means District State Aid Engineer completes final inspection report and DCP processing