Colombo Defense Seminar, 2017 Public Diplomacy in CVE Nick Cull
Overview: What is Public Diplomacy? Components of PD Precedent: COIN Single actor approaches to CVE (US case) Multi-actor approaches to CVE Conclusion: Rethinking CVE.
What is Public Diplomacy? Traditional Diplomacy = an actor’s attempt to manage the international environment through engagement with a foreign actor. Public Diplomacy = an actor’s attempt to manage the international environment through engagement with a foreign public. BUT New Term for five old practices…
Components of Public Diplomacy Listening
Components of Public Diplomacy Listening Advocacy
Components of Public Diplomacy Listening Advocacy Cultural Diplomacy
Components of Public Diplomacy Listening Advocacy Cultural Diplomacy Exchange Diplomacy
Components of Public Diplomacy Listening Advocacy Cultural Diplomacy Exchange Diplomacy State-Funded News/ International b’casting
Components of Public Diplomacy Listening Advocacy Cultural Diplomacy Exchange Diplomacy State-Funded News/ International b’casting US invents term: PD
Components of Public Diplomacy Listening Advocacy Cultural Diplomacy Exchange Diplomacy State-Funded News/ International b’casting US invents term: PD All enhance SOFT POWER of attractive values/culture
Precedent: PD dimension to COIN Listening: to isolate the enemy from their host pop. Advocacy: for a better future Culture: ensure help fits with local cultural values Exchange: work with the host population to build links IB: Fight with an eye to the outside media image. UK did it right in Malaya US did wrong in Vietnam
Single Actor: recent US approaches Listening: too little, too late Advocacy: ‘Think again, turn away’ but not State Dept. not credible Culture: use of music (including US Muslims) Exchange: aim for youth & women IB: Al Hurra, Sawa & websites. BUT problem of domestic politics Priority = impress home audience Reality = no one has the resource or credibility to act alone.
Multi-Actor: The Collective Cure? Integrate a unified govt. “hub” Listen first and know your audience Understand recruitment Empower communicators who are credible to your target audience. Create/translate messages that they can pass on as memes Build a networks practice (Strong Cities Network & EU’s RAN) Don’t do hard power things that make the situation worse.
Conclusion: Rethinking CVE Question: What if violent extremism is a symptom NOT the disease? What if issue = nihilism and lack of ‘future’ to believe in? What if VE has same root as new nationalism/strong man? How to counter the victim narrative? The world needs a greater idea and a common goal. Challenge for everyone’s PD
Thank You Nick Cull (