Individual written argument Make sure you have your Abib and Outline nearby, as they should contain the bulk of your paper already!! Note: Please refer to the PT 2 Task Instructions for more details regarding what needs to be done and to remind yourself of pertinent deadlines!
Organization of Google Drive Abib IRR Outline IRR Other PT 1 materials Abib IWA Outline IWA Group Presentation Name Folder (Last, First) PT 1 PT 2 Skills Development (Space Race)
IWA Basics MLA Format (Times New Roman, 12-pt font, double space, MLA works cited, etc.) 1500-1700 words…This should be included under the title of your IWA. There should be a proper MLA Works Cited Page at the end (NOT the Abib!!!) If you include a source you have not used within the paper you will receive point reductions based on the rubric! IF THERE ARE MORE THAN 10 GRAMMAR/SYNTAX ERRORS THAT YOUR PROOFREADING SHOULD HAVE CORRECTED, THEN THE PAPER WILL BE GRADED ONLY UP TO THAT POINT (BASED OFF THE RUBRIC).
From COLLEGE BOARD… Students… Read and analyze the provided stimulus materials to identify thematic connections among the sources and possible areas of inquiry. Compose a research question prompted by analysis of stimulus materials Gather additional information through research; analyze, evaluate, and select evidence; and develop a logical well-reasoned argument The final paper must refer to at least one of the source provided. MUST AVOID PLAGARISM by acknowledging, attributing, and/or citing sources throughout the paper and including a bibliography.
Grading Your IWA will be graded off of the College Board Rubric (Individual Written Argument) Important Notes from the rubric include: Have clear context (relate to both society as a whole and the stimulus)…LOR organized well Use a variety of sources and perspectives Make sure your sources communicate with each other, along with the various lenses/perspectives addressed Be sure to include objections, limitations, and implications Use in-text citations as MLA format describes Discuss the credibility & relevance of your sources with EXPLANATION Use proper grammar and syntax….Please continuously proofread and peer edit! Include a Words Cited Page at the conclusion of your document This will go into the Major Category of Grading for AP Seminar. (48 pts) Meeting all deadlines in the CORRECT FORMAT will be easy completion grades within the Minor Category for AP Seminar.
Nov. 29th Nov. 30th Deadline reminders UPCOMING