Once chapter 11 Date: Objectives Warm –up – reading journal Read Chapter Eleven of Seventeen Examine the themes of Power Practise reading aloud. Warm –up – reading journal “Once I escaped from an underground hiding place by telling a story. It was a bit exaggerated. It was a bit fanciful. It was my imagination getting a bit carried away”. (p90) Write down this quote and a response.
Reading pages 90-101 12 pages – 12 readers Green card to person who reads best aloud before mid-term. (Current contenders – Roberts, Jake, Cathal, David) Remember the tips Read forward – not down (aim your voice) Proper posture = open diaphragm Slow pace, pause at full stops and commas for breath. Relax, getting nervous affects your voice.
Reflection journal - Three tasks Write and answer the questions below. Write a 2-3 line summary of what is going on in the story. Write down any questions or thoughts you have about what just happened. . What lengths does Felix go to trying to escape? How does Barney react to this? What does Felix discover about Barney and how does Barney enlist Felix’s help?
What do you think of Barney? Cooldown Question What do you think of Barney? Would you trust him?