Unit 2 Love
Main Idea 2/23/2019 Exercise 1: Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A. 1. Is “love” easy to define? Why or why not? 2. How does the author describe “puppy loves”? 3. What does it take for love to develop into maturity? 4. What helped preserve the holiness of love in the author’s parents’ generation? 5. What negative roles do the media play in forming the younger generation’s view of love? 6. What do young people today tend to value in relationships? What does the author think they should value? test 22
voicing 2/23/2019 Some college students are dating on campus. Have they found true love? Are some of them driven by peer pressure without even knowing it? What is their mindset? Work in groups of threes or fours and give your comments, and then discuss how people could develop their relationships into lifelong bonds. You may refer to the hints on the next two pages. (Open.) test 35
Their Mindset 1) fall in love at first sight voicing 2/23/2019 Their Mindset 1) fall in love at first sight 2) have a meeting of minds 3) be driven by physical attraction 4) be driven by mental compatibilities 5) show off 6) jump on the bandwagon of dating 7) seek comfort and rid themselves of loneliness 8) regard dating as a sign of having grown up 9) develop a sense of belonging by dating 10) acquire a sense of security by dating test 36
Tentative Suggestions voicing 2/23/2019 Tentative Suggestions 1) start a serious relationship if you are really ready 2) never forget that true love means a meeting of minds 3) focus more on inner charm than on physical beauty 4) learn to share 5) spend more time with her or him 6) honor your commitments 7) channel your energies and emotions towards building lifelong bonds 8) receive true love with open arms test 37
Comprehension 2/23/2019 Q1 What feelings did the husband’s hands bring to the author? Para.1 Q2 What can you infer about the husband from the phrase “the final days of his life”? test 44
Q1 Q2 Q3 Para.2 What does “that time” (L.1 Para. 2 ) refer to? Comprehension 2/23/2019 Q1 Para.2 What does “that time” (L.1 Para. 2 ) refer to? Q2 What was the husband’s job? Q3 Why does the author describe her husband’s hands in such great detail? test 45
Q1 Q2 Para.3 What do you know about the husband’s handwriting? Comprehension 2/23/2019 Q1 Para.3 What do you know about the husband’s handwriting? Q2 Why wasn’t the handwriting difficult for his wife to read? test 46
Comprehension 2/23/2019 Q1 Para.4 What kind of person do you think the narrator’s husband was? Q2 What could the narrator feel whenever her husband clasped her hands? test 47
Q1 Q2 Paras.5-7 How did the husband help taking care of the family? Comprehension 2/23/2019 Q1 Paras.5-7 How did the husband help taking care of the family? Q2 Do you think the husband was a good father? test 48
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 What do you know about the husband’s illness? Paras.8-9 Comprehension 2/23/2019 Q1 What do you know about the husband’s illness? Paras.8-9 Q2 Why would the husband reach for his wife’s hands when he felt pain? Q3 What does “the deepest, darkest moment” refer to? Q4 Did the husband fear death? Q5 What did the wife do for him? test 49
Comprehension 2/23/2019 Q1 Para.10 Why did the wife clip, file and whiten her husband’s fingernails early one morning? Q2 Can you tell how the wife felt at the moment? test 50
Comprehension 2/23/2019 Q1 Paras.11-12 Do you think the wife cried a lot during those seven-and-a-half months after her husband died? Q2 How did the wife react at the sight of the emery boards? Q3 Why does the author say that she “tried in vain to remember the clasp of Paul’s hands”? test 51
Q1 Q2 Para.13 Why does the narrator mention her youngest son, Stephen? Comprehension 2/23/2019 Q1 Para.13 Why does the narrator mention her youngest son, Stephen? Q2 Do you think the narrator still feels helplessly sad about her husband’s death? test 52
Optional 2/23/2019 Activity 1: Rhetorical devices such as simile (明喻) and metaphor (隐喻) are used in both Text A and Text B. Listed below are some examples. Discuss with your partner how and why the writers use such rhetorical devices. The explanation of the first one is provided. 1) Harmless puppy loves that are as brief as soap bubbles. (Para. 2, Text A) Metaphor: “Soap bubbles” is used to emphasize the brief period of time that puppy loves last. test 53
Metaphor:_________________________________ Optional 2/23/2019 2) Love was a magnificent building I built on the foundation of friendship. It took time to blossom. (Para. 6, Text A) Metaphor:_________________________________ 3) Our parents’ generation was fed lavishly with ideals. (Para. 7, Text A) 4) I am sorry to learn about the kind of emotional baggage school kids are carrying in what are purely unemotional relationships. (Para. 9, Text A) test 54
Metaphor:_________________________________ Optional 2/23/2019 5) What about giving ourselves, and others, time and space to forge relationships? (Para. 11, Text A) Metaphor:_________________________________ 6) For seven-and-a-half months, my grief for my husband had been frozen within me like an icy presence that would not yield. (Para. 12, Text B) Simile:_________________________________ 7) Then, this last Sunday of February, I was undone by the simple presence of emery boards. (Para. 12, Text B) test 55
2/23/2019 Thank You! test 68