The Trial Of Cardigan Jones Written and Illustrated by Tim Egan
Trial In a trial, the jury must try to decide who A meeting in court to decide if someone has broken the law In a trial, the jury must try to decide who is telling the truth.
Jury The group of people who make the decision in a trial There are twelve members of a jury who are selected. Together they try to make a decision.
Stand The place where a witness in a trial sits while being questioned The woman is sitting on the witness stand and about to answer questions.
Guilty Do you think this man looks guilty or innocent? Having done something wrong Do you think this man looks guilty or innocent?
Honest When you are on the witness stand you must Truthful When you are on the witness stand you must be honest and truthful.
Convinced My parents convinced me to eat all of the sandwich. Made someone believe or agree to something My parents convinced me to eat all of the sandwich.
Pointed The man pointed to the paper in his ear! Used a finger to show where something was The man pointed to the paper in his ear!
Murmur The teacher heard the murmur of the children in the classroom. The sound of people speaking very softly The teacher heard the murmur of the children in the classroom.
Vocabulary Words trial jury stand guilty honest convinced pointed murmur