JPIAMR Joint Research Calls – Update and Future Calls Management Board Meeting 24th October, 2018 Laura Plant JPIAMR Secretariat
Overview of Calls ERA-net cofund “Emerging Pollutants” ERA-net cofund “JPInterventAMR”
JPInterventAMR ERA-net Cofund Continuation of JP-EC-AMR SRIA primary pillar: Interventions SRIA sub-pillars: Surveillance, Transmission and Environment ERA-net within Societal Challenge 1: Health, demographic change and wellbeing
JPI-EC-AMR 2015-2019 19 partners from 16 countries + Canada The aim of this programme is to unravel the complex dynamics of selection and transmission of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) according to the One Health concept. A multidisciplinary approach is necessary to identify and characterise the determinants that contribute to the spread of resistance at genetic, bacterial, animal, human, societal, and environmental levels, in order to provide scientific knowledge to design and evaluate cost-effective strategies that can decrease transmission of AMR in society.
JPI-EC-AMR 2015-2019 JPIAMR has used the ERA-net to fund: 4 research calls Transmission and Selection of Resistance in Humans, Animals, and the Environment Comparison of prevention, control and intervention strategies for AMR infections through multidisciplinary studies, including One Health approaches Therapeutics: New targets, compounds and tools 2019 Call: Diagnostics and Surveillance 3 network calls Transnational working groups Working to improve surveillance Building the foundations of the JPIAMR-VRI
JPInterventAMR One Health interventions to prevent or reduce the development and transmission of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) General focus of the call: Interventions and Transmission Other JPIAMR key areas: One Health LMIC Surveillance Environment
Two placeholders for ERA-net cofund are under discussion for WP2020 in program committee for health Three suggestions on ERA-net cofund have very similar support from the member states at the moment The possibility for three ERA-nets is very uncertain. Therefore it is highly important for countries to express their priority to the commission if that has not been done yet (deadline Nov 5)
JPInterventAMR Focal area 1 Understanding the impact of interventions on the transmission of AMR in, and between, different reservoirs. What are the determinants and risks contributing to the spread of resistance in and between different One Health reservoirs, and what are their transmission dynamics? How can interventions impact the emergence and spread of AMR from One Health reservoirs? How can surveillance of AMR contribute to limiting transmission between One Health reservoirs?
JPInterventAMR Focal area 2 Designing and evaluating interventions to control the selection and transmission of AMR in different One Health reservoirs. What are the critical control points at which interventions could substantially affect the spread of resistance? What behavioural strategies can be implemented to improve antibiotic stewardship and reduce unnecessary use in human, animal, hospital, and community settings? How can technical interventions for antibiotic stewardship result in education and empowerment to reduce AMR in clinical care? What are the most cost-effective interventions for preventing antibiotic resistance transmission between bacterial species, humans, animals, and across regional, national and international borders?
JPInterventAMR Additional activities One additional call: focus on low and lower middle income countries addressing specific challenges relating to stewardship - access, implementation research and knowledge Further additional calls: Large-scale prevention trials that cannot be supported by single countries. What is the optimal way to design, analyse and report the results of stewardship and infection control intervention trials?
JPInterventAMR Impact Assessment of the usefulness and cost-effectiveness of new One Health interventions Implementation of novel strategies and methodologies, and harmonisation of actions across JPIAMR countries Prevention of antibiotic-resistant infections Improved quality of human and animal health Decreased levels of AMR in the environment
JPInterventAMR If your agency wishes to join the JPInterventAMR call contact Maria Starborg at the JPIAMR Secretariat:
Aquatic Pollutants 2019: Emerging pollutants and pathogens ERA-net Cofund SRIA primary pillar: Environment SRIA sub-pillars: Transmission and Interventions ERA-net within Societal Challenge 5: Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials
Keywords from JPIAMR supported projects related to Water General Overview of JPIAMR funded projects and networks Total investment of ~66 M € 8 Joint transnational calls 70 projects supported Keywords from JPIAMR supported projects related to Water Overview of JPIAMR funded projects in Water 14 projects on Environment Out of which 4 are related to water Projects on Environment ~19 M€ invested in Environment projects Of which ~7.5 M€ invested in water related projects Investments
Aquatic Pollutants 2019 Emerging pollutants and pathogens Germany is coordinating the ERA-net Project Management Jülich (PTJ) Estimated Contributions: EC 5M € National 22.5M € To date: >20 funding agencies from >18 countries have declared interest to join Deadline for applications Feb 19th 2019
Aquatic Pollutants 2019 Emerging pollutants and pathogens Deadline for applications Feb 19th 2019 Cofunded call: 2020, 2nd mandatory call 2021
Aquatic Pollutants 2019 Emerging pollutants and pathogens Pesticides Biozides, including industrial chemicals and complexing agents Antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria Pharmaceuticals Personal care products Microplastics Synthetic hormones Radio-opaque substances …
Aquatic Pollutants 2019 Emerging pollutants and pathogens General focus of the call: risk management of emerging pollutants and pathogens in aquatic ecosystems Three main areas have been proposed: Environmental behaviour of emerging pollutants and pathogens, including antimicrobial resistant bacteria, in aquatic environments Risk assessment and Management of emerging pollutants and pathogens, including antimicrobial resistant bacteria, from aquatic ecosystems Strategies to reduce pollutants and pathogens, including antimicrobial resistant bacteria
Aquatic Pollutants 2019 Emerging pollutants and pathogens Expected timeline NOV 22, 2018: 2nd funders meeting JAN 10, 2019: 3rd Funders Meeting. FEB 15, 2019: Pre-submission of proposal FEB 19, 2019: Deadline of the proposal
Aquatic Pollutants 2019 Emerging pollutants and pathogens If your agency wishes to join the Aquatic Pollutants 2019 consortium contact Maria Starborg at the JPIAMR Secretariat: