Pre- beginning Amble- walk Latin for walk before The preamble Pre- beginning Amble- walk Latin for walk before
The picture is an artistic version of a document's intro The picture is an artistic version of a document's intro. Look carefully and then translate this picture on your own notebook paper to determine the actual words.
Why did the framers include this in the beginning of Where do these words come from? What is the purpose of that document? Why did the framers include this in the beginning of the document?
We the people of the United States I’m a person of the US, therefore I’m a citizen and I show the responsibilities of a good citizen by voting!
In order to form a more perfect union Perfect union- Perfect country
To establish justice
Insure domestic tranquility Domestic=home Tranquality-peace
Provide for the common defense
Promote the general welfare General= All y’alls Welfare= happiness of a group of people
And secure the blessings of liberty I love the freedom to have my hair in cornrows!
To ourselves and our posterity Posterity= future generations
Do ordain and establish this constitution To make official Establish= to make
for the united states of America