Chapter 12 Power Analysis
Power Analysis A statistical technique that measures the sensitivity of an experiment. In correlation, sensitivity is the ability to detect a relationship between two variables above and beyond sampling fluctuation. In an experiment, sensitivity is the ability to detect effects of the independent variable, differences among the group means that cannot be accounted for by sampling fluctuation.
Power Analysis Used to determine how many subjects are needed to obtain the desired sensitivity in the experiment. Used to decide if we should believe that non-significant findings really indicate that the null hypothesis is true.
Statistics and Significance When we use statistics to test the null hypothesis ... We are trying to avoid making a prediction, based on a relationship in a sample, that does not actually hold up in the whole population. But mistakes (Type 1 errors) are possible with statistical tests.
Type 1 errors We will mistakenly obtain misleading significant results in 5 per cent of the studies we analyze. This happens when sampling fluctuation alone produces results outside the range predicted by the null. This can happen whether we are using r, F, or t (or any other test statistic) to test the null.
Type 1 error and alpha Type 1 Error - Rejecting the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true. Alpha is the probability of making a Type 1 Error. We set alpha directly and thus determine the critical value of test statistics such as r, F, t, Dunnett’s t and HSD. By convention, in the social and bio-medical sciences, alpha= .05 (almost always).
Type 2 error and beta Type 2 Error – Failing to reject the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is false. Therefore not generalizing from the pattern of results seen in your study to the population as a whole. Beta is the probability of making a Type 2 Error. Beta is determined by: The number of research participants in the study The design of the study The size of the effect of an independent variable or correlation in the population as a whole. 2/23/2019 Ch12
The Experimental Results Hypothesis Testing The Experimental Results Reject H0. Fail to reject H0. The Real Situation in the Population H0 is true. H0 is false. Type 1 Error OK OK Type 2 Error
Tradeoffs between Type 1 and Type 2 errors If we are too conservative (alpha = .001), we will rarely find an effect mistakenly, but we will also get significant findings very seldom. So we will get a lot of nonsignificant findings and we will often miss variables that would make a real differences in the population or correlations that occur in the population as well as in the sample. If we are too liberal, (alpha = .20), we will tend to generalize to the population from differences in samples that occur simply because of sampling fluctuation. We will get lots of significant findings, but many will be mistaken.
A compromise between Type 1 and Type 2 errors Setting alpha at .05 allows a reasonable compromise for the two types of errors. 5 studies in 100 will yield significant findings even though the null is true and only sampling fluctation is at work. This is stringent enough to be cautious, but not so stringent that you can practically never find significance and therefore make lots of Type 2 errors.
Determining Beta Beta = the odds on making a Type 2 error But, how do we determine beta? Remember, you can only make a Type 2 error if You don’t get significant results AND The null is false and there really is an effect in the population similar to the one in your sample.
Many factors effect beta The value of alpha (already discussed): Making alpha more stringent ( for example: alpha = .01) makes it less likely that we will make a Type 1 error. but more likely that we will make a Type 2 Error (increases beta). Conversely, increasing alpha (e.g., alpha = .10) makes it more likely that we will make a Type 1 error. but less likely that we will make a Type 2 Error (decreases beta). 2/23/2019 Ch12
Factors affecting Beta Random measurement problems and individual differences Sloppy research increases noise due to measurement problems and therefore the size of MSW. This makes it harder to find a significant F ratio and so increases beta. More heterogeneous groups make for greater individual differences and increase beta. Conversely, the “repeated measures” design uses the same subjects in each group. This gets rid of individual differences, makes MSW smaller, increases the chance of getting significant findings, and so decreases beta.
… Factors affecting Beta The strength of the relationship or effect: It is easier to detect strong relationships and big effects. As a result, we are less likely to make a Type 2 Error when big, strong effects are present. It is more difficult to detect weak relationships, therefore we are more likely to make a Type 2 Error when trying to document one.
Study big, robust effects. Research tip Study big, robust effects. 2/23/2019 Ch12
… Factors affecting Beta The number of subjects: The more subjects in a sample, the more likely it is that a true effect will be seen because A. the critical values of test statistics get less extreme and B. because as df increase, the sample will resemble the population more and more.
Power = 1 - Beta Beta is the probability that we will get nonsignificant results although we would find a correlation or an effect if we could measure the entire population When that happens we will incorrectly fail to reject the null hypothesis. The reverse side of beta is called power. Power is the probability that a study will correctly reject a null hypothesis. Power = 1 - beta If beta goes up; power must go down. If power goes up; beta must go down. A scientist wants to run studies with lots of power.
Power Imagine we have an experiment where we do not find any significant results. If an experiment has enough power, it is reasonable to conclude that there is, in fact, no effect, or at least no moderate or large effect, of the independent variable.
Increasing Power We can get more power by increasing the number of research participants in a study Power tables can tell us: What are a reasonable number of subjects to have a “powerful” experiment? Does someone else’s experiment have enough subjects to believe their result of “no significant finding” means that there are is no effect of the IV or real correlation in the population?
Using the Power Tables First, estimate the strength of the experimental effect. This is usually based on a pilot study or knowledge of the research literature. Second, decide on the desired amount of power. Third, read the number of subjects from the table.
Types of Power Tables There are Power Tables for the various types of experiments. We will look at: Correlation One-way, Independent Groups Factorial Designs with Independent Groups
Power & Correlation Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 Inadequate Minimal Adequate Good Ideal Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 rho Beta .50 .30 .20 .10 .05 .10 385 616 783 1046 1308 .20 96 152 193 258 322 .30 42 66 84 112 139 .40 24 37 46 61 75 .50 15 23 28 37 46 .60 10 15 18 24 30 .70 7 10 12 16 19 .80 6 7 9 11 13 .90 4 5 6 7 8
Power & Correlation Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 Amount of Power and beta across the top. Inadequate Minimal Adequate Good Ideal Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 rho Beta .50 .30 .20 .10 .05 .10 385 616 783 1046 1308 Strength of correlation in the population .20 96 152 193 258 322 .30 42 66 84 112 139 .40 24 37 46 61 75 .50 15 23 28 37 46 .60 10 15 18 24 30 .70 7 10 12 16 19 .80 6 7 9 11 13 .90 4 5 6 7 8
Power & Correlation Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 Inadequate Minimal Adequate Good Ideal Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 rho Beta .50 .30 .20 .10 .05 .10 385 616 783 1046 1308 .20 96 152 193 258 322 .30 42 66 84 112 139 .40 24 37 46 61 75 .50 15 23 28 37 46 .60 10 15 18 24 30 .70 7 10 12 16 19 .80 6 7 9 11 13 .90 4 5 6 7 8 Number of subjects.
Some Principles For correlation: If possible, only do correlational studies with variables you believe to have a moderate or strong relationship (where rho is at least .25). Only only do correlational studies with a large enough sample size to give you power of at least .70 and preferably .80 or better.
EXAMPLE A pilot study shows a correlation of .50. How many subjects do you need to have a 20% chance of committing a Type 2 Error?
Power & Correlation Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 Inadequate Minimal Adequate Good Ideal Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 rho Beta .50 .30 .20 .10 .05 .10 385 616 783 1046 1308 .20 96 152 193 258 322 .30 42 66 84 112 139 .40 24 37 46 61 75 .50 15 23 28 37 46 28 .60 10 15 18 24 30 .70 7 10 12 16 19 .80 6 7 9 11 13 You should have at least 28 subjects. .90 4 5 6 7 8
Evaluating research Someone did a study with 150 subjects and did not get a significant correlation. Can we believe that there is no correlation in the population?
Power & Correlation Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 Inadequate Minimal Adequate Good Ideal Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 rho Beta .50 .30 .20 .10 .05 .10 385 616 783 1046 1308 .20 96 152 193 258 322 .30 42 66 84 112 139 .40 24 37 46 61 75 .50 15 23 28 37 46 .60 10 15 18 24 30 .70 7 10 12 16 19 .80 6 7 9 11 13 150 subjects gives this research a lot of power. It is easy for us to believe that if no correlation was found, then there is no strong or moderate size correlation in the population. A weak correlation is still possible. .90 4 5 6 7 8
One Way Experiment with Independent Groups
2 Amount of Power and beta across the top. 3 # of groups. # of groups Inadequate Minimal Adequate Good Ideal One-way independent groups Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 Beta .50 .30 .20 .10 .05 NG Small 193 310 393 526 651 NG Medium 32 50 64 85 105 NG Large 13 20 26 34 42 # of groups. 2 NG Small 166 258 322 421 515 NG Medium 27 42 52 68 83 NG Large 11 17 21 27 33 3 # of groups NG Small 145 221 274 354 430 NG Medium 24 36 45 58 70 NG Large 10 15 18 23 28 4 NG Small 129 195 240 309 372 NG Medium 21 32 39 50 60 NG Large 9 13 16 20 24 5 NG Small 117 175 215 275 331 NG Medium 19 29 35 45 54 NG Large 8 12 14 18 22 6
2 3 Size of effect. # of groups 4 5 6 One-way independent groups Inadequate Minimal Adequate Good Ideal One-way independent groups Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 Beta .50 .30 .20 .10 .05 NG Small 193 310 393 526 651 NG Medium 32 50 64 85 105 NG Large 13 20 26 34 42 2 NG Small 166 258 322 421 515 NG Medium 27 42 52 68 83 NG Large 11 17 21 27 33 3 Size of effect. # of groups NG Small 145 221 274 354 430 NG Medium 24 36 45 58 70 NG Large 10 15 18 23 28 4 NG Small 129 195 240 309 372 NG Medium 21 32 39 50 60 NG Large 9 13 16 20 24 5 NG Small 117 175 215 275 331 NG Medium 19 29 35 45 54 NG Large 8 12 14 18 22 6
of subjects in each group. Inadequate Minimal Adequate Good Ideal One-way independent groups Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 Beta .50 .30 .20 .10 .05 NG Small 193 310 393 526 651 NG Medium 32 50 64 85 105 NG Large 13 20 26 34 42 2 Therefore, n is k * nG. For example, 5 * 240 = 1200 subjects. NG Small 166 258 322 421 515 NG Medium 27 42 52 68 83 NG Large 11 17 21 27 33 3 # of groups NG Small 145 221 274 354 430 NG Medium 24 36 45 58 70 NG Large 10 15 18 23 28 4 NG Small 129 195 240 309 372 NG Medium 21 32 39 50 60 NG Large 9 13 16 20 24 5 nG is the number of subjects in each group. NG Small 117 175 215 275 331 NG Medium 19 29 35 45 54 NG Large 8 12 14 18 22 6
Another Example Three groups of 27 subjects each. No significant effect found. What are the odds that the researcher would have found a large effect if it were there? Is this size study large enough to be an adequate test for large effects?
This is a better than 2 adequate size to test for large effects. Inadequate Minimal Adequate Good Ideal One-way independent groups Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 Beta .50 .30 .20 .10 .05 nG Small 193 310 393 526 651 nG Medium 32 50 64 85 105 nG Large 13 20 26 34 42 2 This is a better than adequate size to test for large effects. 3 groups. 9 out of 10 odds of finding a large effect. nG Small 166 258 322 421 515 nG Medium 27 42 52 68 83 nG Large 11 17 21 27 33 3 # of groups nG Small 145 221 274 354 430 nG Medium 24 36 45 58 70 nG Large 10 15 18 23 28 4 27 subjects in each group. nG Small 129 195 240 309 372 nG Medium 21 32 39 50 60 nG Large 9 13 16 20 24 5 nG Small 117 175 215 275 331 nG Medium 19 29 35 45 54 nG Large 8 12 14 18 22 6
Answer Good chance of finding a large effect, if it were there. Probably no large effect present in the population. Study is big enough to detect large effects.
Three groups of 27 subjects. No significant effect found. What are the odds that the researcher would have found a medium effect if it were there? Is this size study large enough to be an adequate test for medium effects?
inadequate size to test Inadequate Minimal Adequate Good Ideal One-way independent groups Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 Beta .50 .30 .20 .10 .05 NG Small 193 310 393 526 651 NG Medium 32 50 64 85 105 NG Large 13 20 26 34 42 This is an inadequate size to test for medium effects. 2 5 out of 10 odds of finding a medium effect. 3 groups. NG Small 166 258 322 421 515 NG Medium 27 42 52 68 83 NG Large 11 17 21 27 33 3 # of groups NG Small 145 221 274 354 430 NG Medium 24 36 45 58 70 NG Large 10 15 18 23 28 4 27 subjects in each group. NG Small 129 195 240 309 372 NG Medium 21 32 39 50 60 NG Large 9 13 16 20 24 5 NG Small 117 175 215 275 331 NG Medium 19 29 35 45 54 NG Large 8 12 14 18 22 6
Factorial Experiments with Independent Groups Tables for factorial experiments can get very complicated. I will only show a stripped down table.
moderate-size effects. There are no values for small or large effects. Inadequate Minimal Adequate Good Ideal Moderate-size effects, factorial design, independent groups Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 Beta .50 .30 .20 .10 .05 2X2 NG 17 26 33 44 54 This table only shows moderate-size effects. There are no values for small or large effects. 2X3 NG 15 22 27 35 45 # of cells 2X4 NG 13 19 24 30 36 If there are an adequate amount of subjects for a medium effect, then there will also be an adequate amount for a large effect. Small effects are usually too difficult to study. 3X4 NG 12 17 20 25 30 2X2X2 NG 9 14 17 23 28 2X2X3 NG 8 12 14 18 22
2X2 2X3 This shows the # of Factorial design. 2X4 cells 3X4 2X2X2 Inadequate Minimal Adequate Good Ideal Moderate-size effects, factorial design, independent groups Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 Beta .50 .30 .20 .10 .05 2X2 NG 17 26 33 44 54 2X3 NG 15 22 27 35 45 This shows the Factorial design. # of cells 2X4 NG 13 19 24 30 36 3X4 NG 12 17 20 25 30 2X2X2 NG 9 14 17 23 28 2X2X3 NG 8 12 14 18 22
the table shows the number of subjects in each group. Inadequate Minimal Adequate Good Ideal Moderate-size effects, factorial design, independent groups Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 Beta .50 .30 .20 .10 .05 2X2 Since we are looking at independent groups, the table shows the number of subjects in each group. nG 17 26 33 44 54 2X3 nG 15 22 27 35 45 # of cells 2X4 nG 13 19 24 30 36 3X4 nG 12 17 20 25 30 n = # cells * nG. n = 30*2*4 = 240 subjects. 2X2X2 nG 9 14 17 23 28 2X2X3 nG 8 12 14 18 22
A 2X2 Factorial design with independent groups. How many subjects do you need to pick up an interaction with a medium effect size and have a beta = .05?
2X2 2X3 # of 2X4 n = 54*2*2 = 216 subjects. cells 3X4 2X2X2 2X2X3 Inadequate Minimal Adequate Good Ideal Moderate-size effects, factorial design, independent groups Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 Beta .50 .30 .20 .10 .05 2X2 NG 17 26 33 44 54 2X3 NG 15 22 27 35 45 n = 54*2*2 = 216 subjects. # of cells 2X4 NG 13 19 24 30 36 3X4 NG 12 17 20 25 30 2X2X2 NG 9 14 17 23 28 2X2X3 NG 8 12 14 18 22
A 2X4 Factorial design with independent groups. 40 subjects in each cell for a total of 320 subjects. No significant results were reported. What can we conclude?
40 subjects is more than 36 subjects. Inadequate Minimal Adequate Good Ideal Moderate-size effects, factorial design, independent groups Power .50 .70 .80 .90 .95 Beta .50 .30 .20 .10 .05 Conclusion: There is an ideal amount of power in this experiment and it is likely that if a medium or large effect were present that it would be detected. 2X2 NG 17 26 33 44 54 2X3 NG 15 22 27 35 45 # of cells 2X4 NG 13 19 24 30 36 3X4 NG 12 17 20 25 30 40 subjects is more than 36 subjects. 2X2X2 NG 9 14 17 23 28 2X2X3 NG 8 12 14 18 22
Conclusion about nonsignificant results Is the study large enough so that if there were a real effect in the population, we should have seen it? If the study is big enough and we have sufficient power, but we get nonsignificant results, neither of the independent variables nor their interaction is likely to cause medium or large differences in the population as a whole. 2/23/2019 Ch12
Summary Type 1 Error - Rejecting the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true. Alpha is the probability of making a Type 1 Error. Type 2 Error - Accepting the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is false. Beta is the probability of making a Type 2 Error.
… Conclusion Factors affecting beta: The value of alpha. The noise in the experiment. The strength of the effect. The number of subjects.
… Conclusion Power is related to beta. Power Tables As power goes up; beta must go down. As power goes down; beta must go up. Power Tables Power tables are available for various experimental designs. They tell us how many subjects to use. They tell whether to believe a non-significant finding.
2/23/2019 Ch12
2/23/2019 Ch12