3.10 Rehearsing the Whole, Refining a Part
CONNECTION Gabby Douglas practicing mentally her routine before the Olympics Rehearsing lines before going on stage
TEACHING POINT Today I want to teach you that writers often imagine themselves writing the beginning, middle, and end of a text, and can find problem spots before they happen. Then they can solve that problem before they get there!
TEACHING On a blank piece of paper, touch the top and think about your intro. What will your intro look like? A good intro draws readers into caring about the topic before hitting them with it. Then you write your claim and reasons…like: Chocolate milk should not be banned from schools because it is healthy and kids like it OR chocolate milk should be served in schools. It should be served in schools because it helps children meet their nutritional needs. In addition, it should be served because more children drink milk because of the taste. Do your reasons move from least to most important?
TEACHING Body Paragraph 1 Restate your first reason and add some evidence List the evidence you will include across your fingers. What order might make sense for the evidence? Most important to least important? Touch the page where your body paragraph will go. Write that first body paragraph in the air. Do you have a quote? Did you unpack it? Add some transition words.
ENGAGEMENT Use your thinking to write a new draft. If you need help and don’t know where to begin on your intro or first body paragraph, stay on the carpet and we will work together.