Welcome to the 5th semester CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Welcome to the 5th semester VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop JMOG 1
CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Agenda for the 1st day -Welcomming -Program for the day -Presentation of the teachers -This semester project -Program for this semester -Where to find the documents - The exams -Groups formatting and appointing mentors to the 3th semester students -Each students present their summerholiday -Handing out USB-sticks with the project VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 2
CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Presentation of the teachers 5th semester - Bent Michael, BMH@via.dk - Jesper Moegeltoft, JMOG@via.dk - Niels Erik Hansen, NHA@via.dk 3th semester - Bent Michael, BMH@via.dk - Jan Uwe Wolff, JUW@via.dk - Lene Raaholdt, LRC@via.dk - Niels Erik Hansen, NHA@via.dk VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 3
This semester project: Multi-storey building in Denmark CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop This semester project: Multi-storey building in Denmark VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 4
CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Program for this semester 3 weeks – 15 days: 5 days: Civil Engineering Construction Course Design 10 days: Civil Engineering Construction Technology and Organization 10 days: English for Engineering Management(1) 5 days distance assignments (4 assignments to be solved) VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 5
Program for this semester Week 1 CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Program for this semester Week 1 VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 6
Program for this semester Week 2 CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Program for this semester Week 2 VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 7
Program for this semester Week 3 CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Program for this semester Week 3 VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 8
CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Where to find the documents: http://www.tcu-via.com/index.php/5th-semester VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 9
The exams VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Your mark for the exams will be based on: 1) Language skills 2) Presentation 3) Overall comprehension of subjects 4) Attendance VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 10
CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Confirming groups and registration Registration of students and confirming groups Appointing mentors to 3. semester students, minimum 3 students from the 5th semester The students make the groups themselves. Please fill out an excel sheet with the groups and mail it to jmog@via.dk VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 11
CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Each students present their summerholiday Name Where did you go this summer Who did you visit 2 most exiting things in you holiday Future holiday plans next year VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 12