LAMAS Working Group 19-21 June 2017 Agenda Item 4.2 Ad hoc requests and confidentiality Eurostat
Background In December 2016 LAMAS decided that, until an agreement is reached, Eurostat should not transmit any value flagged 'c' to any user Implies problems for users and Eurostat A simple request replaced by around 20 requests Note from DGs, CEDEFOP, Eurofound Scientific use files Article 23 of Regulation 223/2009: Access to confidential data for scientific purposes Implementing act: Regulation 557/2013 Strict and precise guidelines for assessment of research entities and research proposals Eurostat
Draft confidentiality undertaking Under Article 21 of Regulation 223: Transmission of confidential data But taking advantage of microdata access procedures defining trusted institutions and researchers: Only for institutions recognised as "research entities" Only in the scope of approved "research proposals" Same obligations, safeguards and sanctions as those defined in microdata access procedures Proposed as a supplement to the confidentiality undertaking signed by research entities to be eligible for access to microdata Additional "framework" authorisation from NSIs for the transfer of values flagged 'c' to research entities having approved research proposals Eurostat
Alternative Example : OECD's annual publication "Education at a glance" NEAC on educational attainment (annual averages) NEAC_VET on educational attainment (annual averages) by field of education TRANS on transitions / labour market outcomes (Q1) -> for a set of different age groups, combination of EDUCSTAT, HATLEVEL, HATFIELD, ILOSTAT, SEX (+others) OECD favours to collect data directly from countries - burden on NSIs Consistency with published data not guaranteed Eurostat
Results of LAMAS EoV Comments: Next steps: Yes 12 39% No 2 6% Don't know No answer 5 16% Comments: Access can be given if direct or indirect identification of the statistical unit is not possible Next steps: More time to check with your legal experts/unit If answer is 'No', under which conditions would you agree? Discussion with Working Group on Methodology Eurostat