Passenger Mobility Statistics 10 April 2014 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics 10 April 2014 Item 7 of the agenda Eurostat Questionnaire on Passenger Mobility Eurostat Unit E3 - Transport
TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014 Contents I. Introduction Proposal for a revised questionnaire on passenger mobility indicators Part A: Methodological information on the most recent national passenger mobility surveys Part B: Metadata in relation to variables containing information on passenger and vehicle mobility Part C: Available national passenger mobility indicators, with focus on urban mobility Part D: Available indicators on medium- and long-distance passenger mobility Part E: Possible use of other information sources Discussion topics TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014
TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014 I. Introduction This presentation is built around the proposed structure and contents of a revised Eurostat questionnaire to be used for next data and metadata collection, which Eurostat plans to launch already in spring 2014. The purpose of this revised questionnaire is to: collect comprehensive information on both the metadata and the national survey results in form key passenger mobility indicators, required for correctly assessing the current status of progress towards different transport policy objectives set by the European Union. TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014
TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014 II. Proposal for a revised Eurostat questionnaire on passenger mobility indicators The questionnaire contains five sections: Part A: Methodological information on the most recent passenger mobility surveys The goal of this part is to collect information on the methodologies used in relevant national surveys where passenger mobility data is collected (NTS, census surveys, etc.), general survey design, contact persons and costs. Part B: Key concepts, definitions and nomenclatures used in national travel surveys The goal of this part is to collect information on the type and format of the information that is collected in relevant national surveys - definitions adopted, modes of transport and distance classes covered, information grouping, etc. Part C: Available national passenger mobility indicators, with focus on urban mobility The goal of this part is to collect the available indicators, if possible with distinction by urban, non-urban and total passenger mobility. Part D: Medium- and long-distance passenger mobility information The goal of this part is to collect the available indicators, if possible with distinction by distance classes and focus on medium- and long-distance mobility. Part E: Combination with other national data sources The goal of this part is to identify other national data sources containing relevant information (such as odometer readings, traffic counts, tourism statistics, vehicle registers, etc.) which could be useful especially in relation to vehicle–related technical information and to medium and long-distance mobility. TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014
TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014 Part A Part A of the questionnaire: Collects information on the methodology used in relevant passenger mobility surveys/national travel surveys Covers any mode of transport Makes no distinctions on coverage specifications such as travel purpose, etc. The questionnaire contains questions on: Survey title Responsible organization and contact persons Methodological information on the most recent survey implementation TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014
TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014 Part A Methodological information includes questions on: General survey methodology Survey method Use of new technologies Mobility information collection method Information reporting Specific survey design Sampling frame database used Sampling frame limitations Sampling method Sample size unit & sample size Periodicity Reference period & seasons covered Day measurement unit and compilation of indicators Indication of survey costs Total cost survey Total cost per respondent TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014
TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014 Part B Part B of the questionnaire: Collects information on the key concepts, definitions and nomenclatures used in relevant passenger mobility surveys Covers any mode of transport Makes no distinctions on other coverage specifications such as travel distance, travel purpose, etc. The questionnaire contains questions on: General concepts and definitions Specific mobility related concepts and definitions TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014
TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014 Part B General concepts and definitions include: Mode of travel & main mode o travel Urban mobility discussion point in agenda item 6 Activity Stage Trip Tour Journey Purpose TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014
TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014 Part B Specific mobility related concepts include: Passenger kilometers (pkm) Vehicle kilometers (vkm) Occupancy rate Trip distance & distance classes what grouping? Travel time & travel time classes what grouping? Trip origin & destination Demographic information Gender Age what grouping? Household size Employment status or occupation Vehicle ownership includes new categories TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014
TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014 Part B Concepts and definitions that require specific groupings: Mode of transport – different set for urban mobility and different for medium and long-distance Fuel type - which level of detail preferred? Minimum Extended Travel purpose Road type TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014
TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014 Part C Part C of the questionnaire: Collects the actual indicators contained in relevant passenger mobility surveys Covers any mode of transport Focusses on urban mobility, but also covers non-urban mobility and the total of the two. The questionnaire contains questions on: Reference period of the latest survey results available Availability of micro-data Results from survey implementation TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014
TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014 Part C Questions match the minimum indicator set proposed under agenda item 5: Share of trip makers in the total reference population Average number of trips per person/day Split by main mode/type of transport Split by travel purpose Average travel distance per person/day Split by mode/type of transport Split by vehicle type and fuel type Average total travel time per person/day Passenger kilometers (pkm) for all trip makers/year Average vehicle occupancy rate by vehicle type By passenger car By bus and coach By metro and tram By train TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014
TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014 Part D Part D of the questionnaire: Also collects the actual indicators from relevant passenger mobility / travel surveys But focuses on distinction by distance classes and especially on medium- and long-distance passenger mobility. The questionnaire contains questions on: The definition for medium- and long-distance passenger mobility The existence of specific surveys aimed at, or containing information on medium- and long-distance passenger mobility (NTS, dedicated survey on medium and long-distance mobility, tourism statistics, etc.) Modes of transport covered Reference period and availability of microdata The collection of actual indicators by distance classes TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014
TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014 Part D Questions match the indicator set proposed under agenda item 5: Share of trip makers in the total reference population Average number of trips per person/in a year Split by main mode/type of transport Split by travel purpose Average travel distance per person/per trip Split by vehicle type and fuel type Average travelling time per person/per trip Passenger kilometers (pkm) for all trip makers/per year Vehicle occupancy rate by vehicle type By passenger car By bus and coach By metro and tram By train TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014
TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014 Part E The goal of this part is to identify other national data sources containing relevant information which could be useful especially in relation to vehicle–related technical information on mobility and to medium and long-distance mobility. For example: Odometer readings Traffic counts Tourism statistics GPS-based databases National vehicle registries Vehicle technical information databases National fuel/energy consumption databases Etc. Question is asked about the source type and name and the contact person. TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014
TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014 Part E Specific vehicle-related technical information questions: Vehicle age class through first year of registration Vehicle emission standard through EURO-norm Vehicle engine size common grouping (adjusted) Fuel consumption combined cycle (under discussion) CO2 emissions combined cycle (under discussion) Are these questions relevant, sufficient, …? Is the grouping feasible? TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014
III. Discussion topics Should all of these sections be included in a single questionnaire? Which additional amendments, changes, etc. are suggested? Is it realistic to ask all Member States this amount of information on a yearly basis? Is it feasible for Member States to merge such information, or should the data collection be centralised at an EU level? In other words: Should all the information from different sources be compiled and sent to Eurostat by one specific contact point in each country or should Eurostat collect the data on passenger mobility and vehicle-related information coming from sources other than national travel surveys separately from different national contact points? - Thank you for your attention and your comments - TF Passenger Mobility 10 April 2014