Name this part. Head
Name this part. Neck
How many total tarsals are there in the human body? 14
Name the pink bone. pubis
Name this part. Greater trochanter
Name this specific bone outlined in red. talus
How many total metatarsals are there in the human body? 10
Name this large hole shown by red arrow. Obturator foramen
Name this specific bone outlined in red. 1st distal phalanx
Name this specific bone outlined in red. 2nd metatarsal
Ischial tuberosity of ischim Name this large “bump” and the bone it is part of shown by red arrow. Ischial tuberosity of ischim
Name this specific bone outlined in red. 1st proximal phalanx
Name this large depression shown by red arrow. acetabulum
Name this part. Lesser trochanter
Name this part. Posterior View Of Right Distal Femur Medial Condyle
Name this part. Posterior View Of Right Distal Femur LateralCondyle
Name this specific group of bones. tarsals
Which illustration represents a female pelvis? B Letter B
metatarsals Name this specific group of bones.
Name this part. Posterior View Of Right Distal Femur LateralCondyle
Name this part. Anterior View Of Right Distal Femur Medial Epicondyle
Name the specific bone that would articulate with the area shown by the red arrow. talus Anterior front view right leg
Name the yellow bone. ischium
Name the specific area indicated by red. Sacroiliac joint
How many total phalanges are there in your little toe? 3
LateralCondyle Name this part. Anterolateral View Of Left Proximal Tibia
Ischial tuberosity of ischim Name this large “bump” and the bone it is part of shown by red arrow. Ischial tuberosity of ischim
Name this specific bone outlined in red. calcaneous
Pubic symphysis Name the specific part shown by the red arrow.
Medial Condyle Name this part. Anterolateral View Of Left Proximal Tibia
Name this part. Anterior View Of Right Distal Femur Lateral Epicondyle
Name this bone. tibia
Name this specific bone outlined in red. 1st proximal phalanx
Tibial tuberosity Name this part. Anterolateral View Of Left Proximal Tibia
Name this specific bone. fibula
Medial malleolus Name this part. Anterolateral View Of Left Distal Tibia
Anterior inferior iliac spine Name this part. Anterior inferior iliac spine
Anterior superior iliac spine Name this part. Anterior superior iliac spine
Name the bone outlined in red. ilium
Name this part. acetabulum
Name this part. Iliac crest
Name this part. Obturator foramen
Posterior inferior iliac spine Name this part.
Posterior superior iliac spine Name this part.