What is the problem or decision? A = ASSESS What is the problem or decision?
What are the possible choices or solutions? B = BRAINSTORM What are the possible choices or solutions?
Consider the consequences of each choice – both positive and negative C = CONSEQUENCES Consider the consequences of each choice – both positive and negative
D = DECIDE Make a decision and act!
Evaluate the choice you made and the positive / negative consequences. E = EVALUATE Evaluate the choice you made and the positive / negative consequences.
PROTECTIVE FACTORS POSITIVE DECISION MAKING Loving, functional family Involved in school activities Positive self – esteem Clear goals and plans to reach them Close friends Regularly practicing one’s faith Sense of accomplishment at school Healthful attitude about competition Follows community rules A plan to cope with life’s stressors
RISK FACTORS NEGATIVE DECISION MAKING Dysfunctional family Low self-esteem Unable to resist peer pressure or influence Lacking faith experiences Family disruptions Experiencing depression Academic or athletic pressure