Unit 6 – Video questions
Checks & balances When our Founding Fathers were designing the United States system of government, why did they feel it was important to have a system of checks and balances? Identify 2 or 3 countries (either currently or historically) that do not or did not have a system of checks and balances in place. What is or has been the result of this? Do you know who your State Senator and State Assembly Member are? Visit www.leginfo.ca.gov to find out (click on legislature). What are term limits and how do they affect state elected officials? Are term limits in effect at the national level too?
The voting process To be eligible to vote in California, what five criteria must be met? Currently, a voter must be registered to vote at least how many days prior to an election? Why do you think this time frame exists? Which political parties are recognized by California’s Secretary of State? Discuss the parties and identify three public policy priorities for each. When registering to vote, if an individual does not want to identify with a political party, that person may indicate “Decline to State” on the registration form. How does this category impact how a person can vote?
The initiative process Proposition 13 was a ballot measure passed 18 years ago by California voters and its impact is still being felt in the state. What did Proposition 13 do and why is it still being talked about? There are some who think the initiative process needs to be changed. What do you think? What flaws do you see in the initiative process that needs to be corrected? The initiative process is an example of direct democracy. Our state and national government are considered mostly representative in nature. Why did the founding fathers choose a representative democracy instead of a direct democracy? How did the initiative process come about in California? Was it a law passed by the legislature or was it the ballot measure to begin all ballot measures in this state? The video mentions nuclear power and daylight savings time as examples of ballot measures that have been passed by popular vote. What other laws in California have come about as a result of the initiative process?
State budget