What is the difference between Colonialism and Imperialism? Colonialism is were they occupy the area and take over the politics, Imperialism is were they take the resources but do not permanently settle. Define desertification Land turning into desert due to over farming or deforestation. Define Deforestation Over harvesting of trees. Define Shifting Agriculture Due to the poor soil farmers must move every few years to be able to grow crops, this often leads to desertification.
Were is the Sahel located? What is a coup and give an example of a country in Africa that this has occurred.? A sudden change in government, Liberia and Benin (Six 63-72) Were is the Sahel located? Just South of the Sahara Desert What is the difference between refugee and a mercenary? Refugee is someone who flees their country to escape danger or unfair treatment. Mercenary is a person who fights for money. What was the partition of Africa? In 1885 14 European nations got together and divided up Africa and created nations.
What are 3 legacies of colonialism and how does impact the continent today? Destroyed trade routes: Limits who they can now trade with. Partition of Africa: Established most of the countries in Africa to benefit the Europeans. Limited Choice of Governments: Many of the Gov. of Africa are Authoritarian because that is what they learned from the Europeans. Weak Infrastructure: Poor roads that makes transportation difficult, bad placement of hospitals, etc Underdeveloped human potential: Lack of proper education facilities hinders growth in the society.
What are some challenges for the newly independent nations of Africa? Who will be in charge? Ethnic and Racial problems Form of Government to have