English 11 – Period 4 - Wed, Sept. 5 HW due today: READ/RESPOND - CommonLit Reading “Hello, My Name is __” Working Copy - Outline - “I Know” personal narrative essay IF ABSENT LAST CLASS – Did you Remind text? Sign up for Common Lit? Turn in “I Know” Brainstorms? TURN IN if did not! Do now: Pick up note sheet
Today’s Activities “10 Things” Personal Narrative Essay Review/complete Prezi notes-Smiley Face Tricks Library (assigned seats)- Complete/PRINT FULL outline LABEL THREE different areas in essay where you will insert THREE DIFFERENT Smiley Face Tricks! State which trick & give working example of your trick in your outline SIGN UP for CommonLit (if did not)-link - English 11 Docs/BRHS class page Read/respond – CommonLit - “The Terror” (MC/S.A.)
Homework Friday, Sept. 9 FINISH/SUBMIT- CommonLit “The Terror” (if did not finish in class) – you should now have TWO submitted readings! Be ready to begin rough draft in class Tues, 9/13 (not HW)
Journal Writing Guidelines Loose leaf paper (or online) Name, date, period at top (if handwritten) Restate the question in your response 5-10 complete, thoughtful sentences OR 15 minute write (extended); this is one paragraph+ or front of a page Read through once to proofread for errors
Freewrite Starters (if absent) Choose THREE “I Know” life belief statements from your list of ten; write each one down individually and leave room to write. Freewrite the specific story details that support each of these three truths for you (half a page each). DO not write a paragraph – just details! Take a few minutes and write without stopping. Write the details about the story connected with this “I Know” life belief; start where the story takes place. Describe this place in writing. What do you SEE? HEAR? Taste? Smell? FEEL? Write about the people who will be in your narrative. Think about the way each one looks, acts, and speaks. Conversation or dialogue is a good way to draw your readers into the action. List the main events of the narrative along a timeline.