Short Story End of 9-weeks Assessment Review Short Story End of 9-weeks Assessment
Layout 30 Multiple Choice over stories 20 Vocabulary Reading Selection: Poem, article, or short story Short answer
There Will Come Soft Rains How do we find out about the setting? What do the silhouettes tell us? What does the breakfast tell us about who lived in the house? How does the house feel? Describe the death of the family dog. What happens to the house? Why can’t it save itself? Why is the poem important? VOCAB!!!
The Censors Describe the environment that Juan lived in. What job does Juan take and why? Who is Mariana? How does Juan change after he gets his job? What is the theme of the story? What does Juan do to his letter? What happens to Juan? What is irony and what are the different types?
A Visit to Grandmother Why did Charles leave home? How does Charles feel about GL’s horse story? Examples of direct vs. indirect characterization Why does it upset Chig to see his Dad cry? How does Charles feel about his Mom? How do they describe GL? What is the moral of the story? VOCAB!!!
Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket What causes Tom to panic? Why does Tom work so hard? What moments were suspenseful? How does Tom’s attitude about work and life change? Why is it important that Tom tells us the window is hard to open before he goes out onto the ledge? What are the contents of Tom’s pocket? Why is that important? VOCAB!!!
Vocabulary Inexorable Abate Inextricable Accolade Manipulate Oblivious Palpable Paranoid Skittish Subliminal Titanic Tremulous Viable Abate Accolade Corroborate Euphoric Exacerbate Fortuitous Flutter Fractious Impeccable Indifferent
Tools Use you short story study guides. Pay special attention to the plot line. Make sure you know what the following terms mean: Inference Internal Conflict External Conflict Prediction Irony: dramatic, situatinal