Nutrition for Wellness Lifetime Sports & Wellness
Nutrition Proper nutrition means that a person’s diet supplies all the essential nutrients needed to carry out normal tissue growth, repair, and maintenance Nutrients can be found in a wide variety of sources
Nutrition Typical U.S. diet is too high in calories, sugar, saturated fat, and sodium. Typical diets lack enough whole grains, fruits, and vegetables On a given day, nearly half of the people in the U.S. eat no fruit and almost 1/4th eat no vegetables.
Nutrition The essential nutrients the human body requires are carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, and water The first three are called fuel nutrients because they are the only substances the body uses to supply energy for work and body functions (commonly measured in “calories”)
Nutrition The other three—vitamins, minerals, and water—are known as regulatory nutrients as they are necessary for a person to function normally and maintain good health Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water are known as macronutrients since we need them in such large amounts Calorie unit of measure indicating the energy value of a food
Carbohydrates Constitute a major source of calories the body uses to provide energy for work, maintaining cells, and generating heat Each gram of carbs provides the body with 4 calories Major sources of carbohydrates are breads, cereals, fruits, vegetables, and milk/dairy products Carbs are classified into either simple or complex
Carbohydrates Simple are broken down quickly and are of little nutritional value
Carbohydrates Complex broken down more slowly and often contain more fiber Fiber decreases risk of cardiovascular disease/cancer and gives a feeling of “fullness”
Fats (Lipids) Fats are the most concentrated energy source (9 calories per gram) Fat is used for stored energy, insulation, and shock absorption
Fats (Lipids) Saturated fats raise blood cholesterol levels Meats, animal fat, whole milk, cheese, ice cream, hydrogenated oils Unsaturated fats tend to lower blood cholesterol (stimulate liver to remove it from blood)
Proteins Main substances the body uses to build and repair tissues (muscles, internal organs, skin, etc.) Proteins are used as energy when sufficient carbs are not available Proteins provide 4 calories per gram
Vitamins/Minerals Vitamins are necessary for normal bodily metabolism, growth, and development A, B, C, D, E, & K Minerals are crucial to maintaining water balance, regulating muscle/nerve impulses, and blood clotting Most common calcium, iron, sodium, selenium
Water (H2O) The most important nutrient is water Involved in almost every vital body process Digestion/absorption, producing energy, circulatory process, regulating body heat, removing wastes, building/repairing cells, and transporting nutrients 61/56% of total body weight in males/females is water Designed to help individuals/families balance calories, increase “good” foods, and decrease “bad” foods in diet
Cardiovascular Training Zones “MHR” (maximum heart rate) MHR = 220 - Age “RHR” (resting heart rate) Found by taking pulse after resting for ~15 minutes “HRR” (heart rate reserve) HRR = MHR - RHR To calculate training zones (60% & 85%) Lower Training Zone = HRR x .6 + RHR Upper Training Zone = HRR x .8 + RHR