Section 3: Segregation and Discrimination OBJECTIVE: Understand how the life for African Americans and other nonwhites remained one of hardship and discrimination. #38 Chapter 8 Section 3: Segregation and Discrimination
Pre-Questions Answer in complete sentences: Q1). What is the difference between discrimination and racism? Q2). Why did Whites in the South try to prevent African Americans from voting?
Voting Restrictions For at least 10 years after Reconstruction, Southern blacks can vote. By 1900, all Southern states restrict voting. Why? Some limit to those who can read with literacy tests. Some have a poll tax that must be paid annually to vote. Some add grandfather clause to constitution to let poor & illiterate whites vote. Can vote if self, father, grandfather voted before 1867. 15th Amendment (VOTING) passed in 1870.
Jim Crow Laws What are Jim Crow Laws? A) Racial segregation laws that separate the races in private and public places. Laws named after old minstrel song.
Plessy vs. Ferguson 1892, Homer Plessy (1/8 Black) sat in “Whites Only” car of a train and refused to move. Arrested, tried, and convicted of breaking Louisiana’s segregation law. Plessy appealed, claiming that he had been denied equal protection under the law (14th Amendment).
Plessy vs. Ferguson Cont…. The Ruling (1896): Separate but equal facilities for blacks and whites did not violate the Constitution. Allows for “separate but equal” Made segregation LEGAL in the U.S.
Violence Racial etiquette: informal rules for black-white relations. Enforce 2nd class status for blacks. Blacks who do not follow etiquette are punished and lynched.
Discrimination in the North Many blacks migrate North. Forced in segregated neighborhoods. Rejected by labor unions, hired last, fired first by employers. Competition between blacks and working class whites sometimes violent.
Mexican Workers More Mexicans build railroads in Southwest (SW) than other ethnic groups. Mexicans major force in SW agricultural industries. Some SW Mexicans and Blacks are forced into debt peonage: System of slavery to work off debt to employers. 1911, Supreme Court declares unconstitutional.
Excluding the Chinese Whites fear job competition, push Chinese to separate areas and schools. Opposition to Chinese immigration leads to Chinese Exclusion Act (1882-1943).