ESSnet on Linked Open Statistics Antoaneta Ilkova Hackathon I, Dublin 26 February 2018 2 "P. Volov" St., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, Background ESSnet signed 22.11.2017 Grant agreement No. 1102.2017.001-2017.661 Framework Partnership Agreement: 4 partners National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria, Coordinator Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE), France, Co-partner Istituto Nazionale Di Statistica (ISTAT), Italy, Co-partner Central Statistics Office (Ireland), Ireland, Co-partner 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, BUDGET Total 619 696.32 EUR Contribution from the Commission - 95% 588 711.50 EUR 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, 3 Work packages WP0 – ESSnet coordination, BNSI WP1 - LOD Pilots, User Assessment and Recommendations on Horizontal Topics, CSO WP2 - ESS Networking, Cooperation and Capacity Building, INSEE 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
Work Package 0 ESSnet coordination Aims of WP 0: - Ensuring of the financial and technical coordination Redistributing credits to all partners Reporting to Eurostat on progress made. 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
WP 0 Task 0.1 Financial coordination Redistribution of the credits to the different partners Financial report - M18 2 payments pre-financing payment - 20% Balance payment - reimbursement of actual costs Staff costs Indirect costs 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
WP 0 Task 0.1 Financial coordination Our duties: 1. to check all documentation concerning implementation of the activities under the ESSnet project 2. to verify work done by contractors and approve payments 3. to approve expenditure for payment 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
WP 0 Task 0.1 Financial coordination Eligible costs - article II.19: II.19.1(a)-(f) - conditions for eligibility of costs II.19.2 (a); (b); (f); (h) Ineligible costs - article II.19.4 Identifying and verifying of actual costs - article II.20 Reimbursement of actual costs - article II.20.1 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
WP 0 Task 0.1 Financial coordination Budget transfers - article II.22 Requests for payment of the balance and supporting documents - article II.23.2 Payment of the balance - article II.24.4 Checks, audits and evaluation - article II.27.1 Duty to keep documents - article II.27.2 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
WP 0 Task 0.1 Financial coordination Article I.9 Where an audit certificate on the financial statements and underlying accounts for final payments is required, and implementation contracts (and subcontracting) of the action exceed EUR 60 000, the certificate shall certify specifically that such contracts have been awarded in accordance with the provisions of Article II.9 and II.10 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515 WP 0 Task 0.2 Reporting Two progress reports: Intermediary progress report - M9 Final progress report - M18 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
WP 0 Task 0.3 Project management Project plan of different phases and timeline coordination activities between consortium members, and between the consortium and Eurostat 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515 ESSnet Meetings Kick-off Monthly - between ESSnet partners (Weekly?) Coordination meetings (incl. Eurostat) - M6; M9 Hackathons and coordination meetings - M3; M9; M15 ESSnet workshop and final meeting - M18 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
WP 0 ESSnet Monitoring and supervision Regular contacts - reporting on progress made Reports Technical - M9 and M18 Financial - M18 Minutes 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, Thank you for your attention! 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515