Training on classification March 2018 Technical Assistance for Development of Strategy for Alignment with Common Market Organization (CMO) Requirements TR2014/AG/10-A1-01/001 This Project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Examples: National legislation on classification Poland and the Netherlands Training on classification March 2018
Netherlands legislation: Market management meat Dec Netherlands legislation: Market management meat Dec. 2,2013 bovines: additional requirements (1) Art 1(3)and 2(20): Obligation to pay costs of classification by the supplier Art 2(5): Obligation to slaughter an animal delivered before 12:00 at the same day. An animal delivered after 12:00 has to be slaughtered before 12:00 on the next day. Art 2(16): If the periods mentioned in art 2.5 are exceeded, the weight is increased with 1% per day. Art 2(7): National dressing specification differs from EU reference, because it is required to remove thoracic fat and brisket fat whilst thin skirt has to stay in the carcass. Different presentation allowed for category Z; permission to weigh the carcass unsplit without removal of spinal cord, thick skirt and tail. Correction coefficients are used to get the correct weight for price reporting
Netherlands legislation: Market management meat Dec Netherlands legislation: Market management meat Dec. 2,2013 bovines: additional requirements (2) Art 2.8: The weighing has to take place within one hour after killing Art 2(16): If the weighing takes place more than one hour after killing, the weight is increased with 1%. Art 2(9,10,11,12) Requirements regarding weighing procedure, tolerance and accuracy scale, checks on weight (e.g. availability of 400 kg check weights in pieces of 20 or 25 kg)
Netherlands legislation: Market management meat Dec Netherlands legislation: Market management meat Dec. 2,2013 bovines: additional requirements (3) Art 2(13,14,15): weight corrections when certain parts are removed before weighing. Art 2(19): Obligation to announce time of slaughtering, to offer suitable office room and working conditions for classification organisation (also for pig classification). Art 2(21) Obligation to use 3 subclasses per main class for conformation and fat. Exceptions: no subclasses for conformation class S category Z: no class S and no subclasses for fat.
Netherlands legislation: Market management meat Dec Netherlands legislation: Market management meat Dec. 2,2013 pigs: additional requirements (1) Art 3(24): additional voluntary classification on the basis of carcass type: AA: excellent muscling A: good until very good muscling B: mediocre muscling C: weak muscling
Netherlands legislation: Market management meat Dec Netherlands legislation: Market management meat Dec. 2,2013 pigs: additional requirements (2) Art 3(5): Requirements pfor pig carcass resentation; without: bristles; contaminated tissue around sticking point; contaminated subcutaneous tissue at sticking point including geron blood with a maximum of 100 grams; tonsils; hoofs, rectum; the genital organs; tongue, organs and intestines, brains, spinal cord, heart pocket, flare fat, kidneys, diaphragma and thick skirt. Art 3(6): Requirement to slaughter all pigs delivered to the slaughterhouse before 14:00 on day X before 12:00 at day X+1 Afrt 3(11): Obligation to use hooks of the same weight Art 3(13): Requirements weighing procedure (availability of check weights up to 140 kg in pieces of 20 or 25 kg)
Netherlands legislation: Market management meat Dec Netherlands legislation: Market management meat Dec. 2,2013 pigs: additional requirements (3) Art 3(14) Weight corrections: Day of delivery Day of slaughter Weight correction X X 0% X before 14:00 X+1 before 12:00 1,25% X before 14:00 X+1 after 12:00 2,50% X after 14:00 X+1 after 12:00 1,25% Time between killing and weighing 45 minutes 0% >45<65 minutes 0,5% >65 minutes 1%
Netherlands legislation: Market management meat Dec Netherlands legislation: Market management meat Dec. 2,2013 pigs: additional requirements (4) Art 3 (20): Classification equipment: a. a central computing unit; b. a classification device; currently the Capteur Gras Maigre (CGM)probe; c. a type terminal; d. a printer e. a classification display
Polish Legislation regarding classification of bovines, pigs and sheep (1) Act of December 21, 2000 on Commercial Quality of Agricultural and Food Products, Regulation of the Minister of ARD of 18 March 2016 on the acquisition of the right to perform certain activities related to the assessment of the commercial quality of agri-food products and the documentation of those activities, Regulation of the Minister of ARD of 5 December 2014 on model forms for quarterly and annual reports information on the number of beef and pig carcasses obtained in each quality class, Regulation of the Minister of ARD of 4 February 2009 on the detailed method of marking the commercial quality class for beef carcasses, Regulation of the Minister of ARD of 4 February 2009 on the detailed conditions for determining the classes of pig carcasses
Polish Legislation (2) Act of December 21, 2000 on Commercial Quality of Agricultural and Food Products (Official Journal No. 5, item 44 with amendments). The Inspection (Agricultural and Food Quality Inspection) started its activity on 1 January 2003 . Classification and identifying of beef and pig carcasses shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the European Union regulations Other anmals’ carcasses may be classified and identified Possibility for the Inspection body to apply to the entity obliged to perform the classification of carcasses to provide information on the planned deadlines for slaughtering animals in the period indicated in the application. Such information shall be provided within 7 days.
Polish Legislation (3) Act of December 21, 2000 on Commercial Quality of Agricultural and Food Products (Official Journal No. 5, item 44 with amendments). Abattoires must submit quarterly and the annual information on the obtained number of: 1) beef and pig carcasses; 2) in the categories and classes of conformation and fat cover - for carcasses of bovine animals aged 8 months or more if they have been a subject for classification; 3) in classes - for pig carcasses if they have been a subject for classification. Information shall be submitted by the 10th day of the month following the quarter or year to which the information relates.
Polish Legislation (4) Act of December 21, 2000 on Commercial Quality of Agricultural and Food Products (Official Journal No. 5, item 44 with amendments). The automatic grading technique for beef carcasses must be approved by the minister responsible for agricultural markets at the request of the interested party. The Chief Inspector of Agricultural and Food Quality is responsible for organisation a certification test, information to be provided by Member States as regards the organisation of a certification test and the results of a certyfication test.
Polish Legislation (5) Regulation of the Minister of ARD of 18 March 2016 on the acquisition of the right to perform certain activities related to the assessment of the commercial quality of agri-food products and the documentation of those activities (licensed classifiers – approval, classification protocols) description and requirements for the qualification exam – two parts (theoretical and practical) - 70% possible points model forms of classification protocols – separately for beef carcass classification and pig carcass classification
Polish Legislation (6) Regulation of the Minister of ARD of 5 December 2014 on model forms for quarterly and annual reports with information on the number of beef and pig carcasses obtained in each quality class. Regulation of the Minister of ARD of 4 February 2009 on the detailed method of marking the commercial quality class for beef carcasses 3 subclasses: with indication„+”, „without indication” and with indication„-” beef carcass may be marked with the use of labels Regulation of the Minister of ARD of 4 February 2009 on the detailed conditions for determining the classes of pig carcasses (introducing class S and corrected weight – weighing > 45 min. after animal has been stuck)
This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union The contents of this publication is the sole responsibility of NIRAS IC Sp. z o.o. and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union
Thank you for your attention Any questions Technical Assistance for Development of Strategy for Alignment with Common Market Organization (CMO) Requirements TR2014/AG/10-A1-01/001 This Project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Thank you for your attention Any questions