Structure Process Outcomes Premises, e.g. sound-proofed consultation rooms Admission, e.g. treatment on arrival to A&E Mortality, e.g. post-surgery Staffing, e.g. numbers of doctors and nurses Screening, e.g. regular retinal screening for patients with diabetes Mobility, e.g. post operation on fracture neck of femur Furniture, e.g. chairs in the patient waiting room Drugs, e.g. adherence to formulary On-going care, e.g. blood glucose in correct range for diabetic patients Equipment, e.g. approved fridges for storage of vaccinations Record keeping, e.g. course of illness and management clearly documented Measures e.g. pressure sores, falls in hospital, infection rates Diagnostic equipment, e.g. defibrillators, calibrated ophthalmoscopes General treatment, e.g. appropriateness and timeliness Impact, e.g. patients quitting smoking after support from Stop Smoking Team