Shoulder & Upper Arm Injuries Muscular Anatomy
Shoulder & Upper Arm - Anatomy Introduction On a piece of paper, make a list of as many muscular structures of the shoulder & upper arm as you can recall. Get with a partner & share what you have on your lists.
Shoulder & Upper Arm - Anatomy Objectives Students will be able to: Identify and label relevant muscles of the shoulder & upper arm Recognize & demonstrate anatomical movements of the shoulder
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Terminology Tendon Connect muscle to bone Range of Motion (ROM) A measurable degree of anatomical movement at a particular joint
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscular Deltoid Posterior Origin Scapular spine Insertion Deltoid tuberosity of humerus Action Extension, Horizontal abduction of the humerus
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscular Deltoid Middle Origin Acromion process Insertion Deltoid tuberosity of humerus Action Abduction of the humerus to 90 degrees
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscular Deltoid Anterior Origin Lateral clavicle Insertion Deltoid tuberosity of humerus Action Flexion, Horizontal adduction of the humerus
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscular Latissimus Dorsi Origin Spinous process T6-S5, iliac crest Insertion Medial humerus Action Extension, adduction of humerus
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscular Rotator Cuff Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Teres Minor Subscapularis
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscular Supraspinatus Origin Supraspinous fossa of scapula Insertion Greater tubercle of humerus Action Abduction of the humerus Stabilize head of humerus
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscular Infraspinatus Origin Infraspinous fossa of scapula Insertion Greater tubercle of humerus Action External rotation of the humerus Stabilize head of humerus
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscular Teres Minor Origin Axillary border of scapula Insertion Greater tubercle of humerus Action External rotation of the humerus Stabilize head of humerus
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscular Subscapularis Origin Subscapular fossa of scapula Insertion Lesser tubercle of humerus Action Internal rotation of the humerus Stabilize head of humerus
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscular Pectoralis Major Origin Medial clavicle, sternum, costal cartilage (1-6) Insertion Lateral Humerus Action Flexion, adduction of humerus
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscular Pectoralis Minor Origin Anterior ribs 3-5 Insertion Coracoid process Action Protraction of scapula
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscular Biceps Brachii Origin Short Head-coracoid process Long Head-supraglenoid tubercle of scapula Insertion Radial tuberosity Action Shoulder Flexion Elbow flexion
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscular Triceps Brachii Origin Long Head-infraglenoid tubercle of scapula Lateral Head-posterior humerus Medial Head- posterior humerus Insertion Olecranon process of ulna Action Shoulder Extension Elbow extension
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscles – Review – White Boards Get white board & marker Return to seat View Review Power Point Identify structure & write answer on white board Show answer when prompted
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscles – Anatomical Movements What causes muscles to move? Muscle contraction
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscles – Anatomical Movements Name the anatomical movements of the shoulder? Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction Internal Rotation External Rotation Circumduction
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscles - Anatomical Movements Flexion To bend, decrease the angle of a joint
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscles - Anatomical Movements Extension To straighten, increase the angle of a joint (restore to anatomical position)
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscles - Anatomical Movements Abduction Away from the mid-line
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscles - Anatomical Movements Adduction Toward the mid-line
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscles - Anatomical Movements Internal Rotation Movement around a central axis toward the median plane
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscles - Anatomical Movements External Rotation Movement around a central axis away from the median plane
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscles - Anatomical Movements Circumduction Movement in a circular pattern that outlines a cone
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscles – Anatomical Movements Get with a partner & take turns asking each other to demonstrate anatomical movements of the shoulder Palpate the origin & insertion of each muscle to feel the muscle action
Shoulder & Upper Arm – Anatomy Muscles – Anatomical Movements “Because I said so!” Stand up Establish some space around you Demonstrate the anatomical movement called out