Pharmacological analysis of Aβ degradation activity in the conditioned medium of astrocytoma cell lines Pharmacological analysis of Aβ degradation activity in the conditioned medium of astrocytoma cell lines Aβ degradation activity in the conditioned media from CCF‐STTG1 and U87 cells. The media were incubated for 24 h with the conditioned medium of 7PA2 cells. Remaining Aβ in the mixture was visualized by immunoblotting. Aβ secreted from 7PA2 cells completely disappeared after 24 h, and this was inhibited by the addition of a complete protease inhibitor cocktail.Aβ remained in the mixed medium by the addition of diisopropyl fluorophosphates or complete protease inhibitor cocktail. DIFP, diisopropyl fluorophosphates; PR, phosphoramidon; PepA, pepstatin A.Effect of tosyl‐L‐lysyl‐chloromethane hydrochloride or tosyl phenylalanyl chloromethyl ketone on Aβ degradation activity in the conditioned medium of CCF‐STTG1 cells. TLCK, tosyl‐L‐lysyl‐chloromethane hydrochloride; TPCK, tosyl phenylalanyl chloromethyl ketone.Effect of matrix metalloprotease inhibitor, GM6001, on Aβ degradation activity in the conditioned medium of CCF‐STTG1 cells.Effect of known Aβ degrading serine protease inhibitors on Aβ degradation activity in the conditioned medium from CCF‐STTG1 cells. AcMet, acetylmethionine; αplasmin, α2‐anti‐plasmin.Effect of zinc ions on Aβ degradation activity in the conditioned medium of CCF‐STTG1 cells. Source data are available online for this figure. Kiwami Kidana et al. EMBO Mol Med. 2018;emmm.201708184 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend