Menopause Awareness Big Conversation 2018


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Presentation transcript:

Menopause Awareness Big Conversation 2018 a new way of working, creating ambition, raising the bar Gemma housekeeping 2018

“I picked this picture because…” mins 5 Icebreaker “I picked this picture because…” Introduction – I’m Debbie Allen, HR team secretary, leading LiA Welcome to our Listening into Action Big Conversation around Menopause Awareness Icebreaker - Hopefully you’ll all have picked a picture when you came in, for the icebreaker today you’re going to introduce yourself on your tables by explaining why you picked your picture. I’ll go first!

Cathy Ellis Chair Introduction – I’m Debbie Allen, HR team secretary, leading LiA Welcome to our Listening into Action Big Conversation around Menopause Awareness Icebreaker - Hopefully you’ll all have picked a picture when you came in, for the icebreaker today you’re going to introduce yourself on your tables by explaining why you picked your picture. I’ll go first!

Our Mission We would like to explore what we can do to support people in LPT who are experiencing menopausal symptoms. I decided to take part in LiA because of my own personal experience and symptoms of the menopause. Its not just the obvious symptoms like hot flushes or tropical moments as I like to call them, that affect my working life its the ‘brain freeze’ where I suddenly stop mid-flow because I can’t remember what I’m working on and lose concentration and my train of thought, the extreme tiredness I feel late afternoon and my personal feeling of not achieving as good as I used to. I’m very fortunate to work with a great team and have a very understanding manager who I can openly discuss how I’m feeling. This is an important subject for me because I know there are lots of women in LPT going through the same or similar situation as me who may benefit from subtle changes to improve their working life Only speaking from my personal experience

This document has been taken from the NHS Choices guide on menopause aimed at managers [Read highlights from slide]

[Read highlights from slide]

Menopause in 60 seconds We’ve got a short video for you now – summing up the menopause in 60 seconds!

Some statistics 82.8% (average is 49.7%) This chart shows the percentage of ratio of female to male staff here at LPT As you can see, women form the majority of the workforce (82.8%) This is double the 50% average workforce gender split across Leicestershire You can see why it’s important to raise awareness of the menopause, as most of our organisation is comprised of women 82.8% (average is 49.7%)

Some statistics 1325 1235 945 542 Out of all the women in the workforce, this graph shows that most of them are aged between 40 and 59 (typical age of menopause) This is around 2500 members of staff 297

Some statistics 40% The menopause is not just an issue affecting only women though Around 40% of managers and senior managers at LPT are men These managers will be managing staff that are women who could potentially be going through the menopause It’s important managers, regardless of gender or age, to be clued up about the menopause so that they can support their female staff without feeling awkward or uncomfortable 60%

Menopause in the Workplace - Video Another video for you now, explaining the economic effect of the menopause in the workplace through a very recent study that was conducted by the Government Equalities Office and the University of Leicester.

Our Mission We would like to explore what we can do to support people in LPT who are experiencing menopausal symptoms. We’re here today because..

Our focus today To identify a small number of big impact changes which will benefit our patients and ourselves - and make these happen together quickly Our focus today is..

Stop doing things that don’t add value? How can we also: Reduce bureaucracy? Reduce paperwork? Stop doing things that don’t add value? It’s also worth thinking about how we can also…

You will now have the opportunity to answer 3 questions. The format of these questions is as follows. We want to know what the ideal/ gold standard would be in the situation. What are the barriers to this occurring? What ideas do you have that we can implement so that we move towards the ideal/ gold standard? The format of the 3 questions today is: Question 1 is around the ideal / gold standard Question 2 is around barriers faced Question 3 is around overcoming barriers

What would an organisation look like that was menopause friendly? mins 20 Question 1 What would an organisation look like that was menopause friendly? Question 1 – 20 min discussion, 5 / 10 mins to pick top 3 points which will then be read out Have conversations but try and write everything down so it’s all captured Short coffee break

What stops this from happening? mins 20 Question 2 What stops this from happening? Question 2 – 20 min discussion, 5 / 10 mins to pick top 3 points which will then be read out

What steps can we take to make this a reality? mins 20 Question 3 What steps can we take to make this a reality? Question 3 – 20 min discussion, 5 / 10 mins to pick top 3 points which will then be read out Be specific about changes, get them on tablecloths AFTER FEEDBACK: Been great to have all your contributions on todays topic, lots of ideas to take forward and some common themes have already come to light

Next Steps… If we all contribute, we can make this happen Sponsor Group will coordinate it and keep everyone in touch First round of changes within 12 weeks, then share our amazing story at a Trust-wide ‘Pass It On’ event We must be ABSOLUTELY focused on outcomes for patients and for staff – otherwise why bother? Be proactive – this is our chance to make the changes we want to see and to be recognised for it! Pulling together conversation and common themes Next steps for the sponsor group, and what happens from here Collating and looking at comments Identifying quick wins Identifying longer-term actions

Thank You! Thanks for your contributions, we’ll keep you posted with actions and outcomes We’ll be presenting at the Pass it On event in September