OPEN SOURCE &LINUX SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (OZIG) 14:30 - 16:30 Thu 29/04/2004 Stream: E-Gov Tenders Topic: The Impact of Government Legislation QANTAS Theatrette AAPT Building 259 George Street SYDNEY 2000
Agenda 14:30 Welcome 14:40 Seminar Sponsor 14:45 Open Source in Europe 15:00 Legislating Open Source - The ACT Agenda 15:45 Legislation in other States - Discussion 16:15 Questions 16:30 Finish
Background OIC * Formed in 1994 * Forum to raise awareness of Electronic Information Technology (EIT) issues like E-commerce & the Internet * 1997 1st member project - Electronic Infrastructure * 1999 2nd member project won 1st prize in “IT for SME” Category of Global Bangemann Challenge - 86 Competitors * 2000 3rd member project - TIMS Tender Service released * Main Special Interest Groups 2003 Open Source & Linux 2001 Local Government 2000 XML & E-commerce - EDIFACT Review WGp
Government Tenders & Open Source Legislation Over 95 % electronic tenders that are published on the OTMG Tender Information Management Service [TIMS] are Government Agency tenders. The number of tenders has increased dramatically over the last 4 years TOTAL 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 2004 836 621 215 2003 2,189 488 577 567 557 2002 1,567 357 348 400 462 2001 943 206 201 251 276 The tenders are analysed by 9 Industry Groups and 11 Application Groups Legislating for Open Source solutions to be considered by Government Agencies will have a major impact for Australian software developers
Trends with E-Tendering A review of the Electronic Tenders published for the same 1st Quarter over the last 4years provides the following Industry Category analysis : 1st Qtr 2004 1st Qtr 2003 1st Qtr 2002 1st Qtr 2001 Federal Gov 87 14.01% 59 12.09% 49 13.73% 38 18.45% State Gov 156 25.12% 113 23.16% 110 30.81% 83 40.29% Local Gov 61 9.82% 49 10.04% 28 7.84% 29 14.08% Land, Housing 75 12.08% 68 13.93% 24 6.72% 7 3.40% Health 76 12.24% 64 13.11% 68 19.05% 4 1.94% Education 71 11.43% 65 13.32% 38 10.64% 9 4.37% Utilities & Energy 53 8.53% 36 7.83% 32 8.96% 11 5.34% Commercial 8 1.29% 5 1.02% 2 0.56% 15 7.28% Associations 34 5.48% 29 5.94% 6 1.68% 10 4.85% TOTAL 621 488 357 206
OZIG Co-ordinating issues A Identifying tenders that may be suitable as Open Source applications B Co-ordinating Tender response teams that can provide complete Open Source solutions for tender requirements C Liasing with State Governments to ensure Legislation is equitable for all parties involved - Open Source software developer lobbyist ? D Raising awareness of developments with Open Source eg legislation