Measurement & graphs in Science Chapter 1.2 and 1.3
Metric System: system of measurement based on the number 10 SI: System International, allows scientists to compare data and communicate with each other about their results
LENGTH Length: measured in meters Length Conversions 1 km 1000 m 1 m 100 cm 1m 1000 mm 1 cm 10 mm
MASS Mass: the amount of matter an object contains Measured with kilograms 1 kg = 1000 grams
Weight Weight: measure of the force of gravity acting on an object Easy way to think about it Weight = Mass + Gravity
volume Volume: amount of space an object takes up Measured in mililiters 1000 mL = 1 Liter
Density Combination of 2 measurements –Mass and Volume Measured in g/mL or g/cm3 Density = Mass ÷ Volume
Time Measured in seconds 60 s = 1 min.
temperature Often measured in Celsius SI unit for Temperature is Kelvin 0°C = 273 K 32° F = 0°C 100°C = 373 K
Graph = picture of data Line graphs show how one variable changes in response to another variable
What do you need to make a line graph? 1 – Axes : Horizontal (x-axis), runs left and right Vertical (y-axis), runs up and down 2 – Labels: x-axis is labeled with the manipulated variable Y-axis is labeled with the responding variable
3- Create a Scale: Each axis has a scale of numbers ranging from the smallest to largest with equal space in between Origin: point where the x and y axis meet (0,0)
4- Plot the data: Draw a dot where the x and y values intersect 5-Line of Best Fit: Smooth line that reflects the overall trend of the graph 6-Add a title that identifies the variables or relationship shown in the graph
Trends Linear: data points make a straight line Nonlinear: data points may create a curved line No Trend: data points are scattered and make no recognizable pattern
POSITIVE VS. NEGATIVE TRENDS Positive: x-value increases as y-value increases Negative: x-value increases as y-value decreases Positive Or Negative POSITIVE
Name that trend Nonlinear
Name that trend Linear
Name that trend No Trend