Wednesday February 7, 2018 (??)
True False The Launch Pad 1/3 Wednesday, 2/7/18 Rivers and lakes are found on every continent. True False There are no rivers or lakes on the continent of Antarctica.
True False The Launch Pad 2/3 Wednesday, 2/7/18 Permafrost is only found in the Northern Hemisphere. True False Yes, there is no permafrost in the Southern Hemisphere.
Glaciers are found in both the northern and southern polar regions. The Launch Pad Wednesday, 2/7/18 3/3 Glaciers are found in both the northern and southern polar regions. True False Yes, glaciers are found in Antarctica and all around the Arctic Circle.
We will take Quiz 11 on Friday. Announcements We will take Quiz 11 on Friday.
F2 2/2 F3 2/6 N/A Friday Assignment Last Day Accepted Summative or Formative # Date Issued Gone Missing Day Last Day Accepted eResearch Paper – Ocean Waves and Tides F2 2/2 Friday Discovery Education Exercise – Lakes and Ponds F3 2/6 N/A Save for eResearch Paper
Discussion Reservoirs and Swamps The notes for today’s discussion are on the class website under today’s date (2/7.)