On-line Course Requests Cooley Middle School Williams Field High School Sossaman Middle School Higley High School
Sign into StudentVUE
Click on the tab that says “Course Request”
To ADD or DELETE courses, select the button that says “Click here to change course requests”.
DO NOT SEARCH BY COURSE TITLE OR BY DEPARTMENT! Locate the Course ID numbers in the course guide Enter the first few letters of the Course ID number Click “Search Courses”
Mark the dot for “Request” and then click “Click here to move selected requests to Selected Course Requests”
Your 1st choice elective request is now in “Selected Course Requests” *Reminder: if your 1st choice has two course IDs i.e PE, you must enter both codes.
Two Semester Long Courses have two codes. 101 – odd number – Fall Semester 102 – even number – spring semester.
Choose three additional electives as “Alternate Elective Requests” Enter the course ID and click “Search Courses”
Mark the dot “Alternate” and click on “Click here to move selected requests to Selected Course Requests” *Repeat to add additional alternate elective requests
All of your elective requests are now entered. Click on “Click here to return to course request summary”
and your 3rd – 6th choice under “Alternate Elective Requests”. You should now have your 1st and 2nd choice under “Selected Course Requests” and your 3rd – 6th choice under “Alternate Elective Requests”. Students must have 6-8 alternate elective choices!
*Once you have locked your course requests When you and your parent/guardian are completely satisfied with your choices, your parent will sign into parentVUE (after 2/2/17) and click on “Lock Course Requests” *Once you have locked your course requests you will NOT be able to make further changes.
Questions: Please contact the counseling office. FAQ Current 8th Grade Course Request Window open from January 23 – Feb 2 Parent window open from Feb 3 – Feb 12th Must have parent lock your course requests – this will electronically sign your parent/guardian signature Questions: Please contact the counseling office. Shannon.Alexander@husd.org