Ohio Hazmat & WMD Technician Module 1 Unit 3 The Incident Command System This slide to be displayed at the beginning of the Unit Instructor Notes
Learning Objectives At the end of this training each student will demonstrate the ability to function in an assigned role of the Incident Command System. Read objective Instructor Notes
Student Performance Objectives List the 10 OSHA procedures for handling the emergency response List the 8 positions of the HazMat branch Properly complete the checklist of each position in the HazMat branch Properly complete ICS 208 form Read objectives Instructor Notes
The Incident Command System OSHA 1910.120(q)(3) Senior response official becomes IC Site analysis, engineering controls, maximum exposure, hazMat handleing, and new technologies Appropriate emergency operations, PPE SCBA Read from the 10 “procedures” under OSHA and explain Instructor Notes
1910.120(q)(3) (cont.) (v) Limit responders & Buddy system (vi) Back-up personnel and EMS (vii) Knowledgeable Safety Officer (viii) Suspend, Alter or Terminate IDLH activities (ix) Decontamination (x) SCBA bottle exchange
Incident Command Positions Hazardous Materials Branch Officer Research Officer HazMat Medical Officer Lead Tender Timer From the book go over each position Instructor Notes
Incident Command Positions (cont.) HazMat Safety Officer Entry Team Member Back-up Team Member Decon Officer Instructor Notes
Incident-Specific Health and Planning Site specific Health and safety plan Preliminary Evaluation Explain the elements found in the book for the preliminary evaluation and the written site safety plan. Instructor Notes
Incident Safety Plan (ISP) Document Safety Hazards Chemical Physical Electrical Water Environmental
Incident Safety Plan (cont.) Site sketch PPE Decon Emergency procedures Monitoring
Checklists HazMat Branch Officer Research Officer Data Sheet Medical Evaluation Sheet Entry Team Lead Tender Timer Decon Team Leader Checklist HazMat Safety Officer Checklist ICS 208 Go over each checklist Checklist will become part of the site safety plan. These checklists will be used in each exercise for the remaining course. Instructor Notes
Allow 10 - 15 minutes and then review the answers. Unit 3 Quiz Allow 10 - 15 minutes and then review the answers. Instructor Notes
Questions Instructor Notes