The Magic Box I will put in the box... The flutter from a fearless butterfly from a speck of fire, The whisper of a riddle full of secrets, The shimmer from an enchanted waterfall flowing backwards. The glimpse of endless secrets whispering with worry, A moment of love and fear mixed together, The call of eternal life. The clash of two steal swords The groans of a Chinese dragon from the depths of the highest mountain, The reflection of the coldest sun. My box is as big as a dragon’s tooth, But can shrink in my pocket, It’s aquamarine like the deep blue sea, And I use a golden key to lock it. Encrusted with diamonds and emeralds, And it’s rough like the bark of a tree, Fond only under the softest sand And when I open it, it bursts out confetti! By Abigail Doyle and Ellen Roche