By J.K. Rowling 5 out of 5 Stars Dylan Mountain
Harry Potter Summary Harry Potter’s parents who were both legends at Hogwarts, the great school of wizardry and witchcraft. But because of the sudden death of Harry’s parents he is adopted by his Aunt and Uncle Dursley at a very young age where life is rough for him.
Harry Potter Summary He is treated very poorly until his 11th birthday where his life changes for good. Harry gets invited to Hogwarts which is the great school of wizardry and witchcraft.
Harry Potter Summary Harry makes a few friends on the train ride to Hogwarts and is instantly popular as he arrives because of the story behind the killing of his parents and possibly because of the strange lightning bolt scar on his forehead.
Harry Potter Summary Harry learns to play Quidditch and is a natural at it. Harry and his two friends, Ron and Hermione, go on many adventurous nighttime quests in order to save the sorcerer's stone from being taken, which has a scary amount of magical power within it.
Harry Potter Summary Harry is tested at his first year of Hogwarts and finds out what kind of wizard he will grow to be.
About J.K. Rowling J.K. Rowling lives in Edinburg with her husband and three children. Rowling published six more Harry Potter books after Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone including Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the order of Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half Blood-Prince, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. All of which were very popular sellers.
Harry Potter I recommend this book to all teenagers because of its ability to keep you hooked and reading. This fictional story will have you wishing you are flying around on a broom playing Quidditch.