Status of TRI P Rotary Visit to KVI 30 januari 2004 Klaus Jungmann
project TRI P T R I P TRI P Trapped Radioactive Isotopes: icrolaboratories for Fundamental Physics Theory Nuclear Physics Experiment Nuclear Physics Atomic Physicsfunding: project program people (scientists) : people (scientists) : G. Berg, U. Dammalapati, P. Dendooven, O. Dermois, A. Dieperink, M.N. Harakeh, R. Hoekstra, K. Jungmann, R. Morgenstern, A. Rogachevskiy, M. Sanchez-Vega, O.Scholten, M. Sohani, R. Timmermans, E. Traykov, L. Willmann, H.W. Wilschut + many more
Motivation science involved
? Grand GrandUnification not yet known? Gravitation Strong Strong Magnetism Electricity Weak Electro- Magnetism Electro - Weak Standard Model + e - + N S u u d d u d zXzXzXzX e-e-e-e-?
? Grand GrandUnification not yet known? Gravitation Strong Strong Magnetism Electricity Weak Electro- Magnetism Electro - Weak Standard Model + e - + N S u u d d u d zXzXzXzX e-e-e-e-? THE STANDARD MODEL
TRI P Possibilities to Test New Models Low Energies & Precision Measurement High Energies & direct observations
TRI P Some Questions related to TRI P Physics Origin of Parity Violation in Weak Interactions Origin of Parity Violation in Weak Interactions (nature prefers lefthandedness) (nature prefers lefthandedness) details of -decays details of -decays Na, Ne isotopes Na, Ne isotopes Dominance of Matter over Antimatter in Universe ? Dominance of Matter over Antimatter in Universe ? CP - Violation, Time Reversal Symmetry, Parity Violation CP - Violation, Time Reversal Symmetry, Parity Violation permanent electric dipole moments ? permanent electric dipole moments ? Ra isotopes Ra isotopes
Concept at KVI how to contribute to forefront physics questions
TRI P Atomic Physics Nuclear Physics Particle Physics
Realization how to realize the concept
TRI P Primary beam from AGOR cyclotron target position in fragment separator mode target position in recoil-separatormode beam of radioactive isotopes to decelerator and traps Combined Fragment and Recoil Separator
TRI P Separator Hall The Wall variety of traps RFQ Cooling and Trapping Hall Low Energy Beams
Novel Technology novel devices
TRI P Quadrupoles from Quadrupoles from Hardware in House Now in House Now G.P. Berg, O. Dermois, H. Kiewiet &Co Dipoles from Danfysik
TRI P RFQ Cooler Technologically Novel Approach Appears to Work
TRI P Diode Laser Hardware & Electronics New laser equipment arrives
Spin Offs What we do along the side line
TRI P Zeeman Slower laser AOM EOM
TRI P Isotope abundance / lifetime 390,86 sec 40 96,94 % jaar <0, % 420,65 % 430,14 % 44 2,09 % dagen 460,004 % 474,54 dagen MOT system for Ca-isotopes R.Hoekstra.,H.Wilschut, R.Morgenstern, S.Hoekstra J.Mulder TRI P medical applications dating
Expected Results Expected Results Advance of Fundamental Science Advance of Fundamental Science Spin Offs: small magnets, Spin Offs: small magnets, lasers, lasers, electronics, electronics, sensitive trace detection sensitive trace detection Education of students Education of students in solving challenging problems in a complex environment
TRI P © CERN The Basic Particles in the Standard Model