DPC High-resolution multi-disciplinary monitoring of active fault test-site areas in Italy S5S5S5S5 Roma 24/03/ 2010 S5 Project High-resolution multi-disciplinary monitoring of active fault test-site areas in Italy LAquila fault S5 Project High-resolution multi-disciplinary monitoring of active fault test-site areas in Italy project web site: Task 4 LAquila fault
Completed in January 2010 The database structure is completed The DB is mostly populated – 90% done Data on EIDA 2866 eqks relocated with different Velocity models – done Fps of 554 earthquakes computed with Cut- andPaste technique (80% done) Technique optimization: done. Parameters computed for a subset of eqks (on-going) Vp/Vs and anisotropy variations in time to detect fluid migration: 70% done (to be completed)
Still to be done, field work in mid-April Completed GIS structure completed 90% Fault data collection completed 80% Data inclusion in the DB 30% Completed at 80%, work in progress for Fossa and San Demetrio trenches (mid- April to May), dating completed 80% Interpretation completed at 80% Suggested future activities in progress Two strategies identified and explored. Completed evaluation of candidates to be adopted for evaluations and forecasts. Report and proposed strategy in progress