ASDE PROPOSAL FOR COLLABORATIVE PROJECT AGENCY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND EUROINTEGRATION – ECOREGIONS (ASDE) - Sofia, Bulgaria Info Days - 2012 Environment Calls - 17 June ASDE PROPOSAL FOR COLLABORATIVE PROJECT “Integrated Risk and Security Management through the RURSE mechanism – a new European DIMENTION strengthening SOCIETY resilience to catastrophic hazards • Contact Mr. Kristian Milenov–Executive Director; Nature of ASDE is a NGO for public purposes organisation Country Bulgaria Department all departments within the organisation Specialty of all departments; the department Contact details tel/fax:+359 2 4709672;+359 2 9818216;; http:/;
AGENCY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND EUROINTEGRATION – ECOREGIONS (ASDE) - Sofia, Bulgaria Info Days - 2012 Environment Calls - 17 June objectives of the proposal: To improve preparedness, prevention and mitigation through more appropriate risk assessment and new management schemes. Targets are - decentralised and user oriented approach ( European regionally based network) in operational capacity under GMES-EO in integration with other EU programs as GALILEO, Danube strategy, etc. (GMES/GALILEO/SPACE/DANUBE STRATEGY – RURSE); Strengthening EO-GMES Operational capacity, prevention strategy, risk and security management, quality assessment and regional networks; From Research to Operations; Automated situation assessment for risk and security; Cohesion –combating of misbalances; Data/Services problems–strengthening competitiveness&innovation; User focus–dealing with regional user needs an idea of the existing partnership – Governmental support (Bulgaria); national unit – Bulgarian Information Office on EO-GMES; thematic workshops – 2010,2011 supported by the EC; an EU expert group - BG, CZ, PL, RO, SL, recently GR and JRC-IPSC, collaboration with DG ENTR-GMES Bureau; Presented to GMES Bureau and Competitiveness Council; requirements for additional partner(s) – MS from SEE, IT, GER, FR, SP, UK; Tech&Methodological support - JRC;; SW and NOR; close collaboration with DG ENTR, DG ECHO, DG REGIO; skills and those of our organisation – ASDE is one of the initiators of RURSE; Governmental support; We are partners in ERA-NET’s– URBAN-NET, ERACOBUILD; Several national and EU projects on methodologies, innovative tools, services and transfer of best practices with partners from BE,GER, FR, IT, NL, PL, SP, RO, UK, etc. Distributor of sat. images -SPOT IMAGE,EUROIMAGE,EUSI. More on - http:/;
the topics we are interested in are: AGENCY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND EUROINTEGRATION – ECOREGIONS (ASDE) - Sofia, Bulgaria Info Days - 2012 Environment Calls - 17 June the topics we are interested in are: Challenge 6.4 Protecting citizens from environmental hazards – societal resilience to natural hazards and new risk-management partnerships Our general proposal – strengthen the economic and societal resilience to potential disasters by means of elaborating improved balanced centralised and decentralised risk governance and management responses, redefining the respective partnerships between the private sector , the relevant authorities and stakeholders. The best practices of the Regional unit/center for risk and security management for South East Europe, which is under construction , are expected to strengthen real time and user-targeted prevention and risk reduction measures and value-added services, and to be a first step towards an European network for balanced centralized and decentralized operational capacity. Other possible sub-themes, integrated in the proposal are data quality assessment (DQA), data mining, permanent monitoring of the sustainable land cover/land use changes and developing MS national capacity in risk and security assessment and prevention under user based methodologies and rules - harmonised on local, transnational®ional and European level; This proposal can be linked also to the topic - Assessing global biological resources: the European contribution to the Global Earth Observation Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) involvement in previous/on-going projects in the area – ASDE is partner to – RESAC - 7FP leading GMES projects – SAFER, GEOLAND, COSMOS, SATCHMO; Bulgarian-French -BULGARISK; ASDE has a coll. agreement with JRC-EC; ASDE has developed a National reference data base (land cover-LANDSAT and SPOT) for Bulgaria ASDE has transferred its knowledge to Romania for developing a National land cover data base (LC mapping under FAO LCCS) in 2006;