Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
What is Phonics? Children have 20mins daily phonics lessons; Children are taught to read by breaking down words into separate sounds or ‘phonemes’. They are then taught how to blend these sounds together to read the whole word.
What sounds do they need to know? Children could be tested on a variety of words containing any of the following sounds:
What is the check? Every Year 1 child in the country will be taking the phonics screening check in the same week. The focus of the check is to provide evidence of children’s decoding and blending skills.
Examples of words
What do the children do? There are 40 words to read 20 real words and 20 nonsense words (with aliens on) Children have to read the word either onsight or by sounding out e.g p-u-m-p-k-i-n = pumpkin
How will it be administered? I will conduct all of the screening checks with the children. The children will complete the check one to one in a quiet area of the school. Positive experience children unaware it is a test as used to being assessed regularly.
How will it be administered? The test gets harder as you go through it. The test will be stopped if the child is not coping/upset. Staff can choose to not enter a child if there are other circumstances.
How are we helping? In daily phonics sessions we orally blend and segment a variety of words containing different sounds. We have been introducing alien nonsense words in sessions and follow up work. We have been playing lots of games like buried treasure, dragon sort etc.
And the results...? Year 1 will be scored against a national standard –you will find out if they passed or not when you get end of year reports. If your child’s score falls below the national standard they must re-take the Phonics Screening Check in Year 2.
When will it happen? The screening will take place throughout the week beginning Monday 11th June. It has been designed so that children of all abilities will be able to take part.
How can you help? REMEMBER: Phonics is not the only way you become a good reader. Continue to read with your child each night and encourage them to: Sound out, re-read to check it makes sense, and use pictures for clues. Ask questions about the book; Most importantly ENJOY READING!
How can you help? Encourage them to use their sounds and actions to find the sound they need. Children can practise their phonics by playing games online. The children particularly like - * Buried Treasure * Poopdeck Pirates * Picnic on Pluto